
Responses from tektondesign

Tekton Double Impacts
Grannyring,It's all good. Know I respect your thoughts/opinions. Your boards look fantastic too. Eric 
Tekton Double Impacts
Wide-polar is for primarily the in-wall version of the Double Impact for home theater and the folks that want a wider off-axis polar response. Background music, room size, unable to toe-in the speaker are all examples of where the wider off-axis m... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Mapman,Thanks for your input. I was about to ask if anyone heard them last weekend. These shows are sensory overload and spontaneous set-up (one day in advance) so I can see how you'd be left wanting with soundstage and imaging.  Regarding the "ta... 
Tekton Double Impacts
First: the Double Impact is a year oldSecond: it's safe to say nothing like the overall look and design of the Double Impact has ever been doneThird: this is new art and we've implemented no fewer than 5 proprietary (patented) design elements into... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Karma is here full-time to help everyone!Call us between 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday. Eric Alexander - audio designer   
Tekton Double Impacts
1812's will work perfectly in a smaller sized rooms - I'd suggest a minimum room dimension would be 14' wide x 16' deep. They key to getting everything sounding right with a speaker like the 1812 is perfect room symmetry.   
Tekton Double Impacts
As the creator of each... the 1812's have a 'slam-factor' that delivers 'live rock concert' dB's in audiophile grade fidelity. The Ulf's deliver the audiophile attribute of 'realism'.Eric Alexander - audio designer       
Tekton Double Impacts
Teajay,Loved seeing/reading your review of the Ulfberht's! Thanks!https://hometheaterreview.com/tekton-design-ulfberht-floorstanding-speaker-reviewed/?page=2Eric Alexander - audio designer  
Tekton Double Impacts
More exciting news: new professional reviewers validating what Teajay and Clement Perry have been trumpeting for months now. https://www.stereophile.com/content/herbs-rocky-mountain-coda      
Tekton Double Impacts
greg22lz,We'll be working on it...Eric   
Tekton Double Impacts
david_ten,Loved your: "I personally would like to learn from those who do not see or hear things the way I do." line.When a client returns a pair of speakers to me he usually has a lot to say about it. His feedback is the most valuable piece of in... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Agreed, wine too is another perfect analogy. When YG Acoustic ran their "best sounding speaker on earth" campaign 10 years ago I called him on it (through emails) and I used the wine analogy. I felt it was like a wine producer saying: "I simply ma... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Dear Shadorne,Respectfully, you're car analogy is flawed. Here's an accurate comparison and frankly it's how I roll, design, think, live, and create. The link below contains a car that costs $99K than anyone can own. This car is built less than 2 ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Jason Victor Serinus of Stereophile - here's his take on the Impact Monitors: https://www.stereophile.com/content/jvs-runs-out-clever-titles-day-three-continues  
Tekton Double Impacts
They are in separate enclosures - gotta be this way.