
Responses from thielrules

Thiel Owners
Keep in mind when you compare the bass response of different speakers, it is hard to eliminate the room response of the different speakers. Several times I was ready to replace drivers of my 3.5 only to find out with near field measurement that th... 
Thiel Owners
Your 7b have plenty of current at normal listening levels. In parallel, they can handle 1- 3 ohm speakers effectively. In my testing, I never could tell the advantage of the parallel setting, as my SPL is modest, rarely exceeding 80 DB. 
Thiel Owners
Which tutorial did you use? Did you also adjust any phase issues? 
Thiel Owners
Thanks, that helps to build transparency. 
Thiel Owners
Rew room equalizer wizard. 
Thiel Owners
A pre and post measurement with Rew is not that much work and could give something tangible to support the subjective improvement or lack of deterioration. As I gain experience and understanding of this powerful tool, I'm less reluctant to pair my... 
Thiel Owners
Great that there are subjective improvements noted with the upgrade. Can we agree on objective measurements that would capture such an audible improvements and continue the Thiel tradition of both objective and subjective substantiation of improve... 
Thiel Owners
Does anyone have the settings of peq filters that would replace the correction of the equalizer of the 3.5 series. I know that a graph of the correction was in measurement section of stereophile review but curious if the peq equivalent. 
Thiel Owners
When I bought my 3.7 from Rob Gillum, he had one new pair of 2.7 left. Might check if he still has it. 
Thiel Owners
Tom, I feel really good about your balanced, sensible approach to both theoretical and practical considerations to increase audible sound quality. I have become more cautious with assuming that when people make claims of improved SQ they have done... 
Thiel Owners
Been contemplating about the degree that various aspects contribute to my listening experience. Although this is rather artificial, I would say say that the recording/performance accounts for 35 %, my speakers for 35%, my room acoustics another 20... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks jafant. 
Thiel Owners
JafantI believe I got caught up with the belief that I needed a bigger amp with more current. Having had more time to compare and measure, I realize that the Bryston 7bst in serial setting only gives me 4 or 5 extra dB compared to my 3bst with no ... 
Thiel Owners
Yes, and what real person can hold off on buying an amp for years while having great speakers? 
Thiel Owners
Thieliste, been waiting for your final conclusion after completing your Europe sampling trip. What is the best system for the 3.7? The Aries?