
Responses from tlong1958

Empirical Audio Synchro mesh reclocker, anybody?
I have a McIntosh C2500 preamp with a built in DAC. I’m unsure if it has a transformer on it’s input, do I want the OTL option? 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Or 20 more......or 39 or 52... or....... 
Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter?
Ok, I see it is the LF. My bad. Still like to know what you think of it 
Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter?
Haven’t bought anything yet, would appreciate your opinion on the Gene Rubin Audio version  
Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter?
Thanks thanks to all for the info and links. Going to buy something, not sure which one yet. Probably get the expensive doo dad 
Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter?
Yea, it is pricey for what it is.  
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
First it was magical goo to paint on connections. Now it’s a magical mat to place near or under my components. No explanations, not even an attempt at one, on how either of these things accomplish anything. It’s a secret. Numerous posts by a handf... 
Problem with brand new black ARC Ref 6
ARC makes some very nice sounding gear, I have owned about 5 or 6 of their units over the years. And they have very good customer service. But the stuff is not dependable, and the cost of ownership is high. Constant failures and expensive repairs,... 
Yes, cables do matter. But not as much as some seem to think. And yes, I do have a pretty good system. And I used to work for a dealer that had some of the best systems available. And my hearing is pretty good too. In my opinion, spending thousand... 
Like the new look to audiogon ?
Jeez, why did they do this? Hard to believe that someone in charge at Audiogon looked at the changes and said “yup, this is way better, let’s go with this!” 
Like the new look to audiogon ?
Wait a minute....yea, they still are using those. Never mind. Sorry. 
Like the new look to audiogon ?
I just looked at it on my iPhone, and at least the pictures of gear weren’t those stupid peering through a blurry key hole images I saw a few days ago 
Like the new look to audiogon ?
Visited the site this morning. It looks like they fixed it 
New Look for Audiogon hard to work with
Yup, pretty bad. I don’t understand why they feel the need for these “updates”. The changes are never for the better. And the forum has become an infomercial for a bunch of ridiculous crap. I’m out. 
Velodyne HGS12-repair or replace?
I I had a pair of HGS 18, replaced amps on both. Traded them in on a pair of JL Audio Fathoms at great expense. They are very good though. No problems yet, but :I suspect that the amps in any powered subwoofer are prone to problems. A friend has a...