
Responses from transporter

Andra II vs. WattPup 7 vs Legacy Focus 20/20
If the original post said I am looking for the most accurate measured speakers in the world , and someone replied Legacy, and you said that would be a joke, than your point would have validity. But once again the original poster states "Prefer a b... 
Andra II vs. WattPup 7 vs Legacy Focus 20/20
" Will be driving the new speakers with Pass X600's. Prefer a big open soundstage sound versus strict adherence to accuracy and detail " Why dont you address what the poster wants and not have your own agenda . The Legacy Focus 20/20 would be a gr... 
Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?
Great, I welcome all thoughts pro and con. One of my old school buddies in Canada swears by The Sim Audio Eclipse.It is all very confusing , nut none the less very informative. I guess as I get older , I dont want to get upgraditis ! But CDP playb... 
Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?
Yes I believe CDP 's with upgraded multi stage power supplies function more efficiently with break in and warm up.Do the experts agree ? 
Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?
Good point Newbee, let me substitute the word musical instead of warm. I dont want a player that is so "analytical" that its not enjoyable. It does get confusing though w/o a demo as I have read several reviews of certain $2000-3000.00 players com... 
No Wires..... Ever Wifey Dearest Audio Riddle
My wife was awlays B=tching and moaning about all my wires. On and On, when are you going to clean up those wires . Clean up those wires or Im going to throw them in the garbage. How could she be so mean ? I really love my wires and their pretty l... 
Legacy 20/20 and Tubes
Yeah Baby, Legacy and and some of those Martin Logan's are among the finest speakers on the face of the planet ! 
After market PC's to Power Conditioners
Yes That helps and we are on the same page. Note The Tice Powerblock IIIC is somewhat unique as it is really Two Power Conditioners in one, with one 20amp cord for Power and One 15 amp cord for Digital. The Power section can handle an impressive 1...