
Responses from traudio

Broken Xindax SCD-2
Is that the complete unit? The problem with this machine is the drawer hangs up halfway in or out. It can play sometimes if you manually move the gears to get the sled to pull in all the way and bring the laser up in position. 
Broken Xindax SCD-2
I did write them but never got a response. 
Auricap Upgrade for Belles 21A
Sounds Real...It's not bright at all, where'd you get that impression?Anyway, thanks for the info Wig. Now, anyone know where I can get a replacement remote for it? A previous owner spilled something in it and only the volume works now (not the po... 
Any Soundstring Fans?
Yes, I have them and they are as my friend says "stupid good for the money".The power cords run with the big name cables for a fraction of the price. The speaker cables are outstanding as well. The interconnects are good, but a bit on the mellow s... 
A Preamp for ARS Filarmonia ?
Maybe something like this then? 
A Preamp for ARS Filarmonia ?
Hi Thuan, When I asked Bobby about adding a tape loop he gave me the impression that it would be difficult & expensive. What I had in my system at the time was a BAM with 2 inputs. I've told him a BAM with 3 or more inputs and a selector switc... 
Extra outputs on a Joule LA 100 MK III?
There is a set of tape outputs. Looking at the rear of the pre-amp, starting at the outputs, left to right there is:Tape Out - output 1 - output 2 - the mystery output. 
I can't tell the difference
Try the VAC2 with the power supply from Channel Islands. It made a big difference with my Transporter. Also tried the PS Audio DL III and it was very good too. 
New LP12, I like some things and some I don't.
I'll be getting to that today. 
Need satellite radio recommnedation nicer than the Polk anyway + you get AM & FM. 
Klipsch forte II what league are they in?
I just picked up a pair of these to use with some SET amps I'm building. I used to HATE Klipsch speakers, but thought I'd give them a try anyway. They are kind of temperamental and must be matched with the right amp & cables. Tubes are best. T... 
Is Acoustic Zen still in business?
Yes, I talked to Robert yesterday. I can't get their web site to come up either, not on Mac, Windows, Safari, FireFox, or IE. Can't figure out what's why. 
UPS Shipping/Damage Claim policy experience
I have had claims with both UPS & FedEx last year which were both eventually resolved. BUT.....FedEx wins the award for the most careless handling of a package EVER!I shipped a pair of VonSchweikert VR4JR speakers last summer. If you've ever s... 
Mapleshade integrated Record COUPLING System
Beragamo, The VPI ring is Stainless Steel. As a former machinist I can tell you making a ring like this is difficult and expensive. You're cutting away about 80% of your material, and it's very tricky to make something that thin stay flat and roun... 
VPI Alignment Jig
You are supposed to adjust it so it's tight against the tonearm post when the other end is over the spindle, then lock the screw down. Now you align your cart.