
Responses from ttrhp

Super Amp?
Hi Guys, thanks for all the response..Faugusta. I love the sound of my Cary 2A3 and never have any experience with a 300B nor 45 tube before,well i used to have a pair of kr-audio 300b,but i think it s a SS sounding amp.To make a long story short,... 
Audio Research DAC-2 versus DAC-5
I am curious about this myself.i dont understand why the newer dac 5 cost less then the older dac 2 on the used market..anyone did any comparision between these 2 DAC s. 
why spikes under speakers???
I placed spike under my speakers cuz it look good.. 
Cary 300B or Cary 2a3?
jond, did you do the trade? i am facing the same dilema right now and very confuse..actually my option is reversing your problem..i ll be going from cary 2a3 to cary 300B...good move or not? my speaker is the avantgarde 
Cary CAD-572SE MK2
Hi Jdod, I am currently running my cary 2a3 with Bat vk5i,cary 308 and cary slp98..I love my Bat vk5i and all my bat gears from the past,but for some reason it just didnt match well with my cary amp at all.the cary pre-amp sound alot better with c... 
Breaking into the industry
Circuit city and bestbuy are are always looking for new people..hahahha..stick with the bank.... 
help with tube tester.
thanks for the response ozfly,i finally figure out how to use it,but i need an adapter MX-949 to test the common tubes,6sn7,6sl7,12at7,12au7...etc... any one know where i can buy one of these adapter? 
Tube amp with Vienna Acoustics Beethovens?
desmond, i used to own the beethovens and it mate it with the kr audio vt 850 with only 22w..the kr have no problem with driving it at all and also mate it with the BAT vk-60..within your budget i would definitely pursue the BAT. 
Integrated Amp recommendations for Avantgarde Uno
Hi Hum4god, i just swap out my BAT vk-5i with the cary 308 hybrid pre today and i am pretty amaze at the bass and volume control improvement.mentally,i cant accept this cary sound better then my BAT yet,but to my ear it is definitely an improvement. 
What Happens When You Die?
you guys remember to tell your wife to burry a moneter power surge protector with you cuz there a lot of lightning up in heaven,and we all know what it can do to our system.. 
What is a good polish for black acrylic?
where can i find this novis product? thanks guys.. 
What speakers do you use with your SET's? is my next me if interested.. 
noise ..noise..noise..
okie guys, i ve been going crazy with this hiss problem the past few days,yesterday i just try using the BAT vk5i pre with the amp,and now it is dead silence and sound fantastic.i just cant figure it out.the amp alone is noisy,amp plus my pre-amp ... 
noise ..noise..noise..
thanks guy. i try using it as a direct amp with the pre-amp-no change... try it as an int amp-no change..i try disconnect all interconnect-no change.TWL. this am supposely 11W/chanel and it should work fine with the uno,cuz i used a 22w int with m... 
What are the loopholes of sending COD to nonmemb.
i think people with no feedback should go by the seller rules,until he build up his feedback and then he can lay his own demands,we all have to start from the bottom. justmy opinion