
Responses from tube_meister

"Could you help an old altar boy"
Hello rodge827.Thank you very much for your reply.Any other opinions? 
Which Power Cord
Thank You, adg101 
LAT International
Thank You, tecknik. 
LAT International
Thank You, rcprince.I am saddened to here this news.  Irrespective of cable orders, I hope Lou's health will improve.Best Regards!   
Taralabs cables
To Audiolabyrinth,Many thanks!Best Regards, Mike 
Krell Duo 300 compared to Evo 302e or 402e?
I have heard of initial reliability problems with Krell's newest amplifier design. Has anyone else heard the same?Many Thanks 
Krell Duo 300 compared to Evo 302e or 402e?
Anyone care to share their listening impressions of the Krell 302e?Many Thanks. 
Krell Duo 300 compared to Evo 302e or 402e?
Hello Audiolabyrinth,Would you please share your impressions of the build quality and sound of the krell 302e?By any chance have you ever listened to a Musical Fidelity AMS-50?I ask because these two power amplifiers are on my short list to auditi... 
Which would you choose?
Thanks for all the responses so far. I appreciate them.The Threshold 3.9e is a very sweet sounding amplifier. It also packs quite a wallop for its size. 
Accuphase E-560 versus VAC Sigma 160i
Hello All. Although it was a VERY tough choice, I finally went with the Accuphase E-560 because it is more feature-laden and better suited to my system configuration.Having said that, I feel that the VAC Sigma 160i is one of top two or three best ... 
Audiolab 8200CDQ or Cambridge Audio Azur 851C
Most useful, Doug. Thank you.Still others? 
Audiolab 8200CDQ or Cambridge Audio Azur 851C
Thanks Egoben. Others? 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES
Thanks Kal! Somehow I missed this. 
Opinion Needed
The funny thing about the name "Tubemeister" is that is was a mistake. I meant to type in the name "Toothmeister" as I am a dentist by profession. I am convinced it was the vision of 300B triodes dancing in my head at the time that caused it.I do ... 
Opinion Needed
Thanks for the responses so far.On the whole, my current system is on the analytical side of neutral and could use a splash of warmth.