
Responses from undertaker4

Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Thanks, Mikec. That was kind of why I had the Mag 3.5's in mind at the start of the thread, because the reviewer described his room dimensions as similar to mine, and said that he thought they did well in that setup. Unfortunately, I can't arrange... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Again, thanks everyone. Has anyone had success with integrated amps from Jadis or Manley? I continue to read up on all this stuff, and was wondering if a relatively easy to drive speaker with one of these amps may be the ticket. Let's say I narrow... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Thanks, Sedond. I read the reviews on audioreview.com on the speaker you referred to. I don't think I've seen a collection of reviews that positive on anything. It's in my price range as well. I particularly liked the one reviewer who mentioned Ke... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Thanks, rcprince! I am confused about ss vs. tubes, frankly. What do you feel like you gain vs. give up with tubes? Are they difficult to maintain? It does sound like tubes may be the way to go, maybe matched with some Reynauds maybe (several have... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
To everyone who has responded, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your help in this. I am very intrigued by what you've said about tubes, so maybe that should be the first consideration. I take it that this means the Maggies are out if ... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Thanks for the response, Trelja. It's very difficult for me to answer you, because your questions are so thought provoking (and I don't know if I know the language correctly), but I'll give it a shot. I think I would prefer the most neutral sound ... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
Thanks for the help, Sdzink and Swampwalker. The room is 15 by 20, and the speakers will go on the longer wall. Is this room big enough? On rock and electric blues, do you think that they will sound too bright, or can interconnects, source compone... 
Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green
Great question! Haven't thought of Blues guitarists in a "best of" sense, but Clapton isn't really a "blues" guitarist in the truest sense. Hendrix was the best rock guitar player, bar none, but also wasn't strictly a blues player (though his blue... 
The Beatles
version of WMGGW.