
Responses from winoguy17

Sophia Electric Blue glass
Yea, thats a new one to me ... 
Little-known Gems
 I bought that when it came out, late 70's I believe. Havent played it in years, but I do remember liking it. 
Sophia Electric Blue glass
Good post browns fan, thanks for the input.  I thought for sure someone would have actual experience with these, guess not. 
Sophia Electric Blue glass
Experience with Adio Equipment Trade-Up Promotions
Although I like Music Direct and do a fair bit of business with them I wasnt impressed with what they offered me for a trade inquiry. I always think youll do better in a private sale. 
Why people says SE is better PP
 I like sausage pizza 
 Cant speak to either specific piece, but as a prior owner of Rogue gear I will say their customer service is excellent. 
New Look for Audiogon hard to work with
They broke something that didnt need fixing... 
LP ? Undersized spindle hole.
 Wow, appreciate all your responses. Think I will try an in house solution ( screwdriver) first, than get more ambitious ( reamer ) if need be. Again, thanks to everyone. 
Great Customer Service From Simaudio
 I also had excellent support from them when I called. 
Merrill Audio - I highly recommend.
Join the 'Gon yesterday, shilling today... 
Diana Krall
rpeluso;  I concur with almost everything you've said, and admire you're effort to stay classy. 
River Takes the Town by the Wood Brothers has been stuck in my head for the last 4 days.... 
Popping when kids are jumping
What shadorne said,,, 
Done buying new vinyl's another reason!