
Responses from x1884

Linn LP12......That good??
Thanks for all the responses guys, looks like i touched on an interesting topic!Right now i have sold the Ariston and am using the TD 160 (slight mods) with a Shure v15 III........and i find it hard to believe that for around $1200 i will get a wo... 
KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.
Well i listened to the KSA 100 and it seemed not too bad.I bought it and have it home now.I have a question, my pre amp was off the last 24 hrs and the Krell cold from the drive home.How long does it take to warm up to optimum sound?Should i leave... 
Pink Floyd LPs
The whole punch could mean that it was not sold and thrown out in the garbage.I have seen 45s with holes punched in them and that was the case, they punch holes into them and throw them out.Promos usually have "not for sale" "DJ" a white label and... 
KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.
Yes i am going to listen to it tonight.Not sure what to expect, would be nice to hear it in my set up....but that will probably only happen if i buy it.There is also a 50s available locally, but the reviews were not to great on that model. 
KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.
I found one of the KSA 150 amps but the person will not ship to Canada.Anyways a local here has a KSA 100 for sale that it looks like i will buy.What do you think of the KSA100?I will be dissapointed to lay out the bucks and it does not blow away ... 
KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.
I have never tried tubes and do not know anything about tube amps or even heard one.My budget is set at $1500 or under, so i have to make do with the used market and buy something that will resell for the same amount or even a few bucks higher....... 
Speakers for 80s rock?
PSB Stratis are not what i would call "inexpensive", not for me anyways. 
Speakers for 80s rock?
If you can find a pair of cerwin vega d5 speakers (under $200) they should do the trick.DO NOT buy the newer model cerwin vegas though, they sound awfull.I used to have the D5s when i was a teen and was quite happy with them and never had any comp... 
Linn LP12......That good??
Here's a catch.......Currently using a Grado Red and have a Shure V 15 III, just bought a nice pre amp last week with a phono stage capable of any cartridge.So how about i step up to a MC cartridge, well i more bang for the buck doing that rather ... 
Best amp match for Krell KSP-7B?
Well, there are a ton of models, anyone have input on a model match that they have heard/own?Ksa 100??? 
Linn LP12......That good??
Thanks guys for the information, i want to buy the Linn once with any of the important upgrades already installed.How are the bearings in the Linns, is that something to be carefull of?