
Responses from xenon101

did you use? I've used the Kodak Gold (no longer made) specifically because of the accelerated aging tests done by Kodak on the media showing a 30 year life. I haven't seen the tests on the Kodak silver/gold yet. I am not aware of other manufactur... 
Krell Amps and Pre-amps
My question: why are you switching to mono amps as opposed to say the 5-channel Krell or 3-channel Pass Labs or the Theta Digital or BAT VK6200 configured for 5 channels? I'm interested in what you feel you're gaining by going to monoblocks. The V... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
You have to love music - not audio. If you want your music to sound as good as possible, then you want the best reproduction equipment you can afford. If you don't really care about music - why would you care about the equipment? 
New dvd players without the chroma bug?
While the article given previously is good, the information may no longer be accurate. My new Denon DVD-2800 does not exhibit the chroma bug, and according to their literature the decoder used is not the one listed for the unit tested in the artic... 
CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?
Whenever I read discussions like this, I always wonder whether the person who auditioned the equipment has asked how long the equipment has been run. I am going through a significant break-in period with some new equipment that I purchased, and, i... 
Granite under your amp???
I just built a custom audio rack that uses granite shelves. They are 3/4-inch thick pieces that were custom cut by a local stone company using their computer numerical controlled water jet machine. The shelves cost $100 each (five total) and are 1... 
Rap music on high-end speakers
Have you tried some rock-a-billy polka-punk as a counterpoint to the rap? The last time I auditioned speakers I used: Vladimir Horowitz, E. Power Biggs, Monte Montgomery, Neil Young (live cut of "Hey, Hey Into the Black" - lots of distortion/feedb... 
why are wilson speakers so highly regaurded.
I've only heard the WATT/Puppies as the nearest dealer is about 450 miles away & only stocks the WATT/Puppies. My impression is that the speaker is very well made. The cabinets are NOT MDF. They are a cast resin with the WATT unit (mid-range/t... 
Favorite HT demo scene from a movie?
A scene that will give you an idea of detail, high frequency response, and low frequency response is the scene from Jurassic Park where the cast is caught in the vehicles during the power outage and the T-rex is about to make its first appearance.... 
Favorite HT demo scene from a movie?
A scene that will give you an idea of detail, high frequency response, and low frequency response is the scene from Jurassic Park where the cast is caught in the vehicles during the power outage and the T-rex is about to make its first appearance....