12AU7 Genalex or Psvane for Cayin Hybrid Integrated H80A

In my search, I haven't found much that directly compares Genalex to Psvane 12AU7 recently. So far, I have had the Cayin OEM, Electro Harmonix, & Genalex, and my favorite is Genalex - quieter, smoother & more dynamic than the previous two.

I am now interested in trying Psvane purely out of curiosity & because it is within my budget for now. Not really interested in spending much more.

BTW, if you require system details, look for my Gallery at US Audio Mart site under member name ejc_xrx.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Showing 3 responses by tooblue

FWIW, I run Psvane Premium Grade 12AU7 in my Jadis dac, Lamm LL2.1 preamp and my Quicksilver M120s, have tried a lot of others and have settled on the Psvane every time. That slow boat from China has gotten much quicker than in the past and $80.00 for a pair ain't bad.
The Gold Lions by Genalex, some nos tubes, 3 sets, lent to me by friends, the stock tubes in all pieces and a set of tubes labeled VAC that came in a previous preamp of mine and proved to be as good as the Psvanes for different reasons so don't hesitate to research their origin from VAC. Good luck and please post what you settled on and how you like your final choice. Happy listening.
Please note, the emphasis here is on Psvane Premium Grade, their lesser rated tubes are just that lesser to different degrees.