2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?

I have been doing a lot of research and thought I might as well see if I can get some direct answers.

I am looking for a speaker with some sweetness (a little) and texture and is very involving in the sound signature. As in musical - not analytical or neutral/dry. Also timbre accurate bass. Without the "one note" bass.

I also put I high value on a large 3d soundstage (it is more involving to me). As well as dynamics.
Placement should not be a HUGE concern. (I want to be able to get comfortable and not loose the sweet spot if I move a few inches)

Bonus points go to those who would match other components to it that would help achieve the sound I am looking for.

I want something that can convey the emotional content and musical/harmonic content of the music.

Thank you all,
Well, I thought I listed my post subject as the Tyler Linbrook monitors, but it does not show as far as I can tell at this point. Anyway, that's what I was talking about...
Get a pair of Quad 21L2 and be done with it...besides saving $700 and putting it in your source/amp budget.
I strongly second Martykl's suggestions, particularly the Ohm Walsh 1000, assuming your room isn't too big, and you have a decent amount of power for them. They are sold direct with a 120-day return option.
Well, based on the dealerships in Florida, I headed down to South Florida this week and took a listen to some Harbeth speakers, they were being driven by a $3k amp (music fidelity?). The Harbeth seemed to do almost everything I wanted so I loaded a pair of the P3ESR in my car and went home.

I wish I had some better dealers around here, I REALLY REALLY want to try some Hyperion speakers and Vandersteen/Ohm just to diversify my speaker experiences though I am fairly certain with good amplification and source these Harbeth speakers can SING!.

Thank you everyone!
Sam Lucas

I am now looking for amplification/source. I would choose the lfd but I feel the need for a high-pass filter and a sub-woofer for these little gems.
"I REALLY REALLY want to try some Hyperion speakers"

Hyperionsound.com lists one dealer in Florida:

Undergorund Audio
3072 Carysfort Lane
Margate, FL 33063
Tel: (954) 917-3110