
Responses from samlucas091

Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?
I once lived in my apartment in almost complete silence for like a month. I no longer suffer from tinnitus. For me removing noisy stimuli can make it go away over time. If I listen to music that is too loud then I will often get some ringing back ... 
Creek Destiny or Rogue Cronus Magnum?
Alright a month late. But I may be of some help. Certainly it matters more what your speakers are than these two amps.The Creek Destiny is a very very good little integrated for the money. Running Harbeth P3ESR with them it was a very very good ma... 
Integrated for Harbeth Small Room System
To be honest. For low level listening I would go for the Luxman. Those tone controls are well implemented and dire in low level listening. Also you would be gaining more transparency (as well as some other things) over the Naim. That would be my c... 
2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?
I would build from my speakers. Matching the system's synergy to the speakers.Thanks,Sam 
Devore Gibbon 3XLs: anyone have these?
I would also like to hear this. 
2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?
Alright, not to dig up an old thread but I am hoping to get responses from this same group of people. The budget is the same, this time my criteria is a little modified.1)Tone/Timbre - This is my thing. I would be looking for speakers that would d... 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
The LFD is quoted on the Harbeth website as not having enough bass weight for the P3ESR. I personally think my amp the Creek Destiny is a good match. 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
Gene, don't you need a disclaimer? I will try out the LFD and perhaps update my system in a year or two. 
harbeth p3esr or usher be 718
I am a Harbeth lover so my opinions reflect on that. I own the P3ESR because I have a small room 11x14. First off you should go Harbeth :pNow my real point. You should buy the Harbeth that fits your room size. If you need to have the speakers clos... 
New LFD Zero LE mkIV
I too would love a phono stage! 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
I just purchased a Creek Destiny. I hope it sounds phenomenal.Class A stereophile! (though I am a skeptic about stereophile, it is still worth taking note)Thanks everyone,Sam-fiIt has pre-out and power-in and hope to use a sub woofer for both High... 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
The Wadia was a horrible parring with the Harbeths. I demoed them at my local hi-fi shop.Thanks,SamI have narrowed things down some to:Naim XS or LFD Zero Mk IIIThoughts?Thanks,Sam 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
I think I am going with a virtue amp for an interim amp. Any objections? I will be ordering one tommorrow I think. 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
I will try to demo as many amps as I can before I buy. I have given myself till next spring to listen and make decisions. It will be a shame letting these speakers just sit for a time, though I have some Beyer T1s to keep me company ;). My budget ... 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
Dobieguy:So you are saying go strait for the lfd? That was my other choice. Or a Creek?Banyon100:I need sources too, all I have is an Audio Mirror D-1 and a Yamaha disk changer as a transport. I really would like a tuner. The uniti seems perfect i...