4 ohm taps or 8 ohm taps?

I am driving a pair of Swan Diva 6.2 speakers with a MingDaMC34AB vacuum tube amplifier (75 wt/channel ultralinear mode). I have liked the sound for the dollars invested.
The speakers are rated at 6 ohm impedence. I have been using the 4 ohm taps on the amp. I was recently advised to use the 8 ohm taps. I did, and swear the speakers sound too bright, "tinny", and even lost some speaker transparency.
Question One: Am I nuts or is this possible?
Ouestion Two: If it sounds better with the 4 ohm taps, is there any harm or danger to the system of using them in this system?
Thanks for your help and opinions.
R Sasso

Showing 1 response by rsasso

To Stringreen

So, a number of folks have suggested that if the speaker impedance curve drops below 4 ohms at places, and I am using the 4 ohm taps, it risks overstrain on the amp and amplifier damage. Is that an unrealistic concern, even if I am listening in the triode or Class A mode where output power is about 40 wt/channel? (I obviously can't find an impedance curve for these speakers)
