$8oo dollar budget

I have a George Wright AU-1000 preamp and a B&K ST-140 power amp. I am looking to upgrade my power amp to tubes as well. My budget being around $800 does anyone have good suggestions?
How could I forget - Van Alstine makes great sounding hyrid tube amps an I see a couple here on the Gon in your price range!

Have fun.
Bedini 25/25 pure Class A solid-state with great drive, solid down to 1 ohm dip. I'm using one with a George Wright AU-1000 preamp and it's a magical combination with JM Reynaud Duet speakers (among others). A Bedini 25/25 in solid working condition will run you around $800 or less.
A Moscode 300 or 600 or Counterpoint SA12, SA20, or SA220 would fit the bill in a hybrid design and still stay within your price point.

But I have to agree with Rleff, B&K's higher powered amps are extremely tube like sounding. Many years ago, I had a B&K EX442 Sonata and it was almost impossible to tell the difference between that an a pr of Paoli M60 monoblocks (8417 highly moded Dynaco mkIII's)