$8oo dollar budget

I have a George Wright AU-1000 preamp and a B&K ST-140 power amp. I am looking to upgrade my power amp to tubes as well. My budget being around $800 does anyone have good suggestions?
...do you guys think this amp may work for him?
Rleff (Threads | Answers)
I do not.
A version of a tube amp that will work is a nice Hybrid tube amp. Tube first stage and SS second stage. Monarchy makes some nice ones 100 and 160. They do show up if you keep watching.

Blue Circle also makes some nice ones that can be had used for close to $1000. None right now on the Gon, but I have seen their 100 watt hybrid time and again used. BC24 and I think the 22 or 28? Forget.

I have owned both and they are great.

Electrocompaniet makes great SS amps with very musical, tube like presentation. AW220 - Very warm yet detailed and so musical. These do show up on the Gon!
How could I forget - Van Alstine makes great sounding hyrid tube amps an I see a couple here on the Gon in your price range!

Have fun.
Bedini 25/25 pure Class A solid-state with great drive, solid down to 1 ohm dip. I'm using one with a George Wright AU-1000 preamp and it's a magical combination with JM Reynaud Duet speakers (among others). A Bedini 25/25 in solid working condition will run you around $800 or less.
A Moscode 300 or 600 or Counterpoint SA12, SA20, or SA220 would fit the bill in a hybrid design and still stay within your price point.

But I have to agree with Rleff, B&K's higher powered amps are extremely tube like sounding. Many years ago, I had a B&K EX442 Sonata and it was almost impossible to tell the difference between that an a pr of Paoli M60 monoblocks (8417 highly moded Dynaco mkIII's)