Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 23 responses by aolmrd1241

To much thread with not enough time. So... what dac so far in the shootout sounds the best on 'standard resolution Redbook CD'?
To bad,a quality transport would/could add a lot to the mix,at least for us dyed-in-the-wool spinners. Thanks.
"07-30-14: Mattnshilp
Mrd1241 - Empirical Audio ODSE is my current reference."

Thank-you Matt for the reply. I do appreciate your work, however unpleasant it probably is 8^)

What transport are you using with the ODSE?
Matt,I did not mean to open up a can of worms asking if a transport was being used in the sound-off. It would have been something that would have been of great intrest to me...seeing that I am old school. Your work is indeed much appreciated and everyone here could agree with that comment. Keep up the great work and most of all...have fun with it!!!

Hey Matt,now I can see how power company executives can receive those outlandish golden parachutes!

...High-end audio equipment burn-in with a smidgen of OCD thrown into the mix. Keep that meter spinning...big daddy wants to parachute right into a hacienda on the beach, in Maui,of course...

Great thread...carry-on.
Matt,if I had to sit and listen with such intensity as you do in your dac listening comparisons..." I think my head would explode". Sit,relax and enjoy your blessings. The music is what matters,not all of the subtle nuances.

Just a side... I would bet when your child plays the piano that the sweet music generated is not picked apart, note, by note.

Life's to short.
Audioengr,quick question.

Does the diamond add any type of improvement to sound quality? If not,may I ask,why add unnecessary cost to the dac when I'm sure the money could be better utilized elsewhere.Or,maybe I'm not getting the diamond thing.

Or could the diamond be of such low quality that its value is moot to the cost of the unit?
Hey Matt. Is that the new SOTA dedicated *DeWalt* server I see in your new room build? Let's us know how that works out for you... LOL!
Hey Matt,quick question. How does your turntable/analog setup sound compared to your digital rig? Do you have a preference for one over the other? Thanks...
Hey Matt... I'm mating my Merrill Audio Veritas monos with a Primaluna Dialogue Premium line stage preamp and the combo is just plain awesome. Tell your buddy to look into the Primaluna...He wont regret it. A match made in audio heaven. Music just pours out...directly into your ears. No audiophile approved drinking glass needed.
Matt. I don't think you owe anyone an explanation on the way you spend your money,especially on a public forum such as this. I for one want to thank you for all of the effort and time,and yes,money...that you already contributed to make this thread so rich in content. I can only dream of owning the equipment that you have bought and reviewed,but to bring along those of us interested in your audio journey is very much appreciated.

Also,on your recommendation, I bought my Veritas amps (and loving them) because of your high praise of them on this thread. Thanks,and keep on...keeping on...Mark
Matt,are you still using redbook as the de facto reference for all of your listening sessions or have you also incorporated high res into the mix? Seeing this thread is three years old and the original basis is/was for "absolute top tier dac for standard resolution redbook cd"...my question would be...are your listening decisions based on redbook cd only? Or are you now commenting more so on high res playback.
Hello Guido...PS Audio has raised the bar significantly with their latest firmware update called 'Huron'. It makes all other previous updates to the dac sound broken by comparison. Maybe a new audition would be relevant to the discussion.  Just saying.    
audiotroy....As a dealer...are you saying with the knowledge in concern of Light Harmonic that you still give full credence to that company in a complete and whole manner? Even to the point of making the perspective buyer of such a product whole again if the need arises? In other words...are you putting your money where your mouth is?
Matt has been nothing short of a class act from the inception of this thread... Thank you Doc for all of your time,energy, and honesty that we all have benefited from in dacdom land...
Matt said...”This is NOT a thread on R2R vs PCM technolog. Nor is it a thread on why R2R is the ONLY design that should be used, George.”

George. This is the OP’s thread..not yours. Show some respect and move on from your tiresome lambasting of everything that does not fall within your narrow minded nomenclature of all things R2R. Start your own thread and have at it there...
audiolabyrinth. There are a ton of reviews online in concern of your question. You can also visit the PSA forums for more detailed viewpoints on the DS and DMP. I own them both and they do everything I expect good digital to do.I could afford a more expensive front end...but do not see the need in doing so. Redbook playback is superb and Sacd is the best I have ever heard.
audiolabyrinth asked..."Curious, may I ask what you are using for the digital HDMI cable?"

Sure... The Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7. Used between the DS and DMP the music just flows...Nice cable.  
Audiolabyrinth....I cut and pasted my response from someone else who asked my opinion on the PS Audio forums awhile back.I tried a couple PSA cables and did not care for them. So I figured with all the great reviews,I would try the platinum 7. I loved it from the getgo and have never looked back.

“For my system and my tastes, the WW just sounds right. There are no frequency's that stand out one over the other to draw attention to the listening experience, ie; pulling you away from the enjoyment of the music at hand. The body and structure of a good/great recording holds up very,very well. This cable has a wonderful natural/organic characteristic to it...Just right imo.

Details of the bass,mid and treble are killer and with that detail comes the amazing ability to see deeper into a mix with zero etch or bloat that will grow fatiguing after a while. This is a silver wire..but totally lacking in the silver brightness that many dislike.

With that being said…the WW does require some run in time out of the box. The attributes of silver wire [some brightness] do come through in the initial phase of listening, but give it time and things do settle in superbly if I do say so myself. I could not change the WW if I wanted to…its that good! 

And this coming from a hdmi skeptic before hearing and ultimately believing that hdmi cables do make a huge difference… as much as any other cable in your system., maybe even more so.”

I stack my DS/DMP combo so I use the 12 inch length.From what I gather via David Salz the shorter the length the better for best sound quality from hdmi.So,since I stack,why spend the extra money if not needed. Burn in time? 100-150 hours seems to be the sweet spot...