Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 50 responses by grannyring

Agear, ya can't use the OffRamp with my Romulus CD player. If I were using a computer, the OR would be a must have.
Great thread! Ya, the Romulus Signature or Pandora Signature is a must. Not sure if it is up to the Lampi, but very, very good. I had a Lampi 4 and like the Romulus more, but your Lampi is several models above!
The Empirical Audio dac will be hard to beat and the comparison to the Lampi 6 will be interesting. If using a computer transport it would be best to have an Offramp 5 in front of the Lampi. The AE Offramp takes the Lampi to another level when using it with a computer.
Offramp 5 is simply the best and the Dynamo power supply is a must.....50% improvement. No exaggeration, no kidding. I have used the OR with and without the Dynamo and again it is a must. Steve will say the same thing as it is just the dimple truth.

Looking forward to your notes and findings.
I have to tell you other converters may not make a huge difference, but the OR5 and Dynamo will take the Lampi to another level with a computer....any computer.

I would not believe it if not for my recent experience. I had an Apple 2009 mini with Mojo Audio power supply, large SSD drive, all the software mods, and the improvement was the single biggest audio upgrade I had ever made.

Perhaps your L6 will not have the same result, but you must try it because if history repeats itself here, you will wear an even bigger smile.

Have fun.

Need the Dynamo power supply. Not sure what else was going on in that system etc... No way of knowing.
These will all be heavyweight dac champs and I would think all appeal to different tastes, systems, system preferences, music preferences etc....

This thread will be fun to follow for sure. Goodness I would love to have all these killer dacs in my music room!
Matt, with top end gear it almost always comes down to preference and system/room synergy. I fully understand your first decision and thank you again for bringing us along for your ride.

We can get a pretty good sense of the differences in your rig between these two champion dacs.

I can hardly wait to hear your comments on the EA dac!
You managed to encapsulate pretty much every single sorted truth of our obsession. Still LOL
If I follow Matt, and I think I do, he is saying the two dacs are both wonderful to him. Why mess with tubes, tube rolling etc, when he likes another dac just as much and even a little more and it has no tubes? I understand completely. All of us would rather not have to mess with finding the perfect tube, paying for it, having back ups, wondering when the tube is losing some of its greatness with age etc....

If another dac gives all of the same magic with no need to obsess with tubes, sound optimization with all kinds of various tube types and brands, then why not go for the equally great sound with no extra hassles?

He can keep the SS dac on 24/7 with no warm up!

Now if the Lampi was obviously superior in every way, then Matt and most of us would gladly go down the tube obsession route.

Based on my experience I think feeding the Lampi by USB with no Offramp is the real difference maker in this round. The tube is important, but falls behind in order if importance.

Based on Matt's comments and preferences thus far the EA dac will be most interesting to me. I think it will be to his liking.
Winson, I own a Aesthetix Romulus with/upgrades now and it has 4 tubes :-)

I like it better than the Lampi 4/4 I had, but it is not because the Romulus blew it away sonically. It is because I simply like the music better with the Romulus.
Oh my, your post is priceless and I'm about to bust a head vein laughing.
You are a very funny and talented writer Matt. LOL!
"FR4 glass-epoxy is the enemy of good analog signals. Dielectric absorption is the issue."

Most interesting tidbit of information Steve. No more than 3/4" long. Wow, I have some modding to do:-)
Ok guys....1000 hours and over of needed break in? I am a audiofool of huge proportions and understand and buy into the whole notion of break in.

But when we start talking 1200 hours I guess I am not worthy of the full Aphile title. That is simply beyond my experience and understanding. 1200 hours! Yikes! If said piece really takes that long, count me out. I don't think it changes after 400-500 at most, but have at it.
I am also primarily interested in Redbook performance and this is my favorite thread on the Gon! Love your willingness to share your journey to the dac of your dreams.
If one listens to their system 2 hours daily on average, then it would take the better part of two years before one actually hears what said player is capable of. Ha!

Better ask for a two year trial period from your local high end retailer. I trust one hears what the unit will ultimately sound like after 500 hours at most. Anything after that is due to changes in mental state, one's physical fluctuations, humidly, lack of humidity, time of day, type of food just consumed, adult beverage consumed, position in listening chair, ear wax level and on and on. No kidding guys. My system, as is, sounds different day to day due to factors beyond break in.

If you have listened enough days to a unit with 500 hours, rest assured you have indeed heard the unit for what it is. That same unit will indeed sound different, in your same system, next year on any particular day for a whole host of reasons both understood and not understood...... but no longer because of break in.

Ok, let the Aphile community roast me know.
I was so nervous about the pending Aphile onslaught that I made a mistake. Sorry. Meant to type "roast me now, not know" .
Understand all the comments and even yours Steve. 1200 hours seems excessive and I am darn near positive any small changes are due to something else. I'll say it again, my gear changes on some days or day parts and it has nothing to do with break in. Even our electricity changes with day parts, time of year..... moisture in the air also impacts sound.

I learned that turning my past SS amps off for a short period and then turning them back on made them sound better after warm up if my amps were left on for many days or weeks at a time. I usually least SS amps on 24/7. Again, nothing to do with burn in.

After 500 or so hours we are no longer talking about burn in IMHO.

Yes, I run my gear 24/7 when new to speed up the process.
Break in real and patience is a must. 1200 hours is no longer break in, but other things factor in the day to day nuances of our systems.
Matt, much opinion and suggestion has been given to you on this thread. You have handled it well and been a sport about it. Nothing, and I mean nothing, said here is more important then what Agear just shared.

The difference maker is Steve's Offramp technology in his dac. That IS the difference maker as the dac IS NOT as important as the transport. I went through this exercise and know first hand what the Offramp will do between any other dac and your Mini. It is absolutely transformational. I cannot possibly communicate in strong enough words how much better the Aeris or any SOTA dac will sound with the Offramp in front of it. This is a fact with any computer based transport like the Mini.

I heard the very same differences in sound and would use the very same descriptors you used to describe your preference for the OD dac over the Aeris. It is the Offramp technology that gives this improvement Matt.

It's like comparing two high performance racing cars on the speed track and choosing one car over the other because one was feed jet fuel and the other low octane fuel. This analogy perfectly summarizes the real situation here. The two cars were not really compared.....the two fuels were!

You have not heard the Lampi or Aeris yet. You have not. Ya, these are very direct and strong words from me as I know first hand the truth of it and so want you to experience it yourself.

The offramp must be paired with the Dynamo power supply for what I shared to be true.

This road is not on the same beaten path as tube tweaks, cabling, etc...no it is the road less traveled and the pathway to computer based audio enlightenment.
$250 digital cable and $14 power cord is what you need. The $3200 turns a $3200 dac into something you may like even more. That is most logical. I understand you are at a place where you just choose not to learn more.
That's fine, but I stand behind the sound logic in my statement.
Matt, agree 100% with everything you shared. Ya, to add the cost off the Offramp and Dynamo power supply to the Aeris or Big 6 is more money. These combos may well sound better to you, but it does come at a price.

I firmly believe a Lampi L4 with the Offramp and Dynamo sound better than a Big 6 alone with a Mini. You see what I am saying. Give whatever dac your listening to the best fuel you can with your Mini.

I am sure the OD dac is stellar on its own and with Steve's OR technology built in, it will be no surprise to me if you end up keeping it over all others!

I have tasted what Steve's units can do for digital and it is very special. Sure, other gear may do this or that Aphile thing better, but the music sounds so darn real and natural. You have no idea your listening to a digital front end. Very special. Hard to live without once you have had it in your room. All glare and digital artifacts are banished and the music just flows with less of an electronic nature to it.
I like my Romulus player more than the Lampi/Offramp combo. It is an amazing player that is so natural and full bodied in presentation. Very few know about it, but it draws me into the music more and is just more musical to me. Aphile terms don't explain it, just an ease that invites.

Remember, I don't have a computer front end anymore. If I did, then an Offramp and Dynamo power supply in front of the Romulus would be a must. The combo would be stellar I am sure. I just don't want to deal with the rigors of computer based audio at this time in my life. Downloads, ripping, back-up, computer details etc...

Right now my music collection is more enjoyable with the Romulus as a one box solution.
Thanks Joecasey.

I get to hear lots of gear as I sell gear for Aphile friends and modify gear to learn and later sell.
Joecasey, one piece that will never leave is the Dude preamp! I have owned 3 of Paul's Dudes over the past 8 years or so. Each with various upgrades etc...
Ok let's get my thoughts straight. I left computer audio because all the computer stuff from ripping to downloads to backup and other stuff was stressing me. I hate working on computers and I am forced to deal with one all week on my job. I MUCH prefer touching my CDs and simply putting one after another in the CD drawer. So simple and easy and relaxing to me.

I did not think this would be the case as at first I liked the perceived ease of computer audio. But over time it became a stressor for me. Not good. I learned and took a chance as I like to try different things. I am open minded.

That is the only reason I left computer based audio. That is it. I have been clear about this on many of my posts. Computer based audio sounds every bit as good and better often times. Just a pain in the rear for me and to me.

Now comes the Romulus dac/CD player. I love it. I prefer it in many ways from ease of use to a slightly different sonic signature. It is not as up front sounding as the Lampi/computer combo. It is less detailed however and some may certainly prefer my old computer based front end as it was killer. The Romulus does not stomp all over the sound of my old computer based rig. No way.

It is a preference thing. I like the natural ease of the Romulus. Some may find it too soft or relaxed. I don't. The EA Offramp with the Lampi and Apple Mini was superb and world class. It dug deeper into the music in some ways for sure.

I love trying new gear and playing. Call it a sickness if you want. I think it is an interest and curiosity:-)
Agear is being funny and ya work on the better half!

Matt, as an FYI, I have owned a couple of Hydra units that are said not to limit current etc.... I can tell you that in my room, with two direct 20 amp lines, the Hydra limited the dynamics and openness of my amps and music.

Go figure. I sold them. Hydra 2 and 4. Amps sounded better plugged into the 20 amp Porter Port outlet.

Ok, I need my fix of reading more of your comparisons. I must have a hit!

How much does it cost to get better sound in a stereo system. $5,000 or $50,0000?
How much does is cost to get a better sounding turntable or dac?

Answer? Well that depends on what you're willing to spend and the sound you are trying to achieve.

This is what all Aphiles must answer for themselves.
Agear, please let us know some initial impressions after 10,000 hours.

Thanks much.
Matt, see if you can borrow this 900 turntable for a shootout vs. your EA dac on select recordings.
Matt, I read that and I my experience is polar opposite. So no real definitive learning based on this at all. So many variables to sort through that it becomes impossible to draw any universal conclusions. Have to try it yourself to ever know in your system...that is a fact.
Jon2020 your first post is a breath of fresh air and the truth. 1200 hours is truly the wrong frame of mind and filter for enjoyment and sanity. Great post that said it very well. Thank you.
AudioL, you missed the simple point. Jon2020 and I and others are not saying it does not change beyond 200 hours. I suppose gear changes it's whole life the older it gets! No kidding. The point is not to go OCD on hearing the parts age!
Yes, Agear was appropriate and being his humorous self. The subject of the "wife" is squarely on topic and peppered throughout a multitude of Agon threads. Read " The Audiophile's Wife" blog and have a good laugh!
Audiowoman, great to hear from you!

My wife got a kick out of your use of the word "nay" and said that was enough for her to think about it.
Very true Andrew. One change can throw off a system so easy. A tube, wire, capacitor modifications and the like can dramatically change the music. Oh my, the amp speaker relationship so much more so.

I am now buying more music as I finally have great synergy in my room. Not just good at times, but satisfying over and over. Hard to find this sweet spot.

Now I have to be careful and not mess with it! Also hard to do:)
Come on Agear please encourage me.....please. I am buying music and tubes....and a few caps. Stops here. Encourage me:)

Enjoying music more than ever.