Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 21 responses by kana813


As per my Aesthetix Romulus/Pandora Signature's owner manual, it needs 400 hours of burn in.
"When I get the Romulus DAC in, it will be for only 24h and I will not have the opportunity to tweak, tube swap or anything - it will just have to stand on its own two feet, as I let the Big6. I will say it like I hear it, as I have all along."


If the Romulus you're going to have access to, has less 400
on it, doesn't have the VC and isn't a Signature I wouldn't waste your time.

The Romulus Signature with VC is a game changer, so IMO,
for your testing, I think it's important to try the best configuration of this product.

BTW, the Berkeley Alpha Reference is now available and should be included in your test.
"I asked and Steve told me that he sells about 10 OD's a year."

I guess if you're only selling 10 units/year, you need to use these forums to drum up business.;-)

Maybe you missed the last part of my post, the Berkeley Alpha Reference is now available.

If this about the best "Redbook" performance, you need to include the Alpha REF in your test.

Another review of the PS Audio DirectStream was just posted:


Family comes first.

Just want to confirm the 400 hour burn-in on the Aesthetix.
"My PS Audio DirectStream has been returned (still waiting for my refund)."


Did you post any comments on the DS?

You have a very nice room that could benefit from some treatments other than the RoomTunes Tuning Products.

Check out:

If cost was no object for PCM, I would buy an American made DAC with dealers like the Berkeley Alpha Reference.
"I myself am desperate to hear the DHT based Lampi Big7. From what I am getting as feedback, this is the new DAC standard. The lucky 20 people who own one need to stop keeping this secret to themselves." - Wisnon

There's one for sale over on Audio Circle.
Having recently compared the Aesthetix Pandora Signature, PSA DS and Berkeley Alpha Series II, I agree with Randy that the Aesthetix DAC is sublime and a hand picked set of of Gold Lion tubes adds to the enjoyment.
"Sadly, my email to Aesthetix about an audition of the Romulus Sig bounced back as undeliverable. Can anyone PM me their email address?"


Aesthetix is distributed by Musical Surroundings,suggest you contact them about a loaner.

Congrats on your D200, your ProACs need 80 more votes to get a SAM file.


It seems like Aesthetix isn't going to send you a Romulus/Pandora Signature for your test.

After you pick the winner from the ones you've listened to,
you could send it to me and I'll compare it to the Pandora
Signature here.

I ordered an Amp Audio for my iPhone,so I no longer need an expensive hifi system.

Mattnshilp- "The Romulus Sig, Allnic and Berkeley DACs are all on my list to eventually try. The usb/SPDIF conversion being the biggest hurtle to overcome.

Is the consensus among those that know the Romulus and Allnic that the internal usb input is top tier and lets the unit perform its best?"

Don't know anything about the Allnic,but if you want to listen to DSD on the Romulus/Pandora Signature you have to use the USB input, otherwise, IMO, the USB and AES/EBU inputs sound the same.

PS- there's a Pandora Signature w/volume control listed for sale on Agon.
Romulus wins a Golden Ear from the Absolute Sound!

"This all-tubed CD player and DAC is one of the greatest bargains in high-end audio today. What makes the Romulus special is that it sounds so "un-digital," particularly at this price. Rather than sounding flat and congealed, the Romulus opens up the spatial presentation and gives instruments and voices room to breathe. The player has an expansive quality along with a sense of top-octave air and openness. The tonal balance is rich and warm in the bass, which, coupled with the treble smoothness, results in an immediately engaging and fatigue-free presentation. The Romulus doesn't sound "tubey" in the classic sense, but neither does it sound like solid-state. The design and build-quality are beyond what's expected at this price. If you have no analog sources, the Romulus can serve as a preamplifier and DAC with multiple digital inputs, provided you purchase the variable-output option ($1000). Thanks to an innovative hybrid analog/digital volume-control, there's no loss of resolution no matter what the volume setting." -Robert Harley