Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
You can also look at Eficion, Lansche, Stenheim Alumine and Ref (love them), S-F Strads, Vienna Acoustics Klimt - The Music, etc...

I dont really like W-Benesche when I heard em...The Cardinals.

Richard Vandersteen designs and builds his own amp for the speakers as far as I know. I understand your comment about the powered speakers. However I can tell you for sure whatever amp, preamp, cable etc you change in your system does make a change on the Sevens even though they are self powered. I changed the Caps in my BAT VK 600 SE to the new caps from the 655SE and heard even that difference in the bottome end from the amp. So don't let that be a concern of yours. The Sevens bass is incredible and the ability to tune the bass to your room your listening tastes is something that is not only unique but in my opinion necessary in a high end speaker. The placement of the speaker in the room for the best imaging and soundstage and then tuning it to your tastes and the best seemless integration with the midrange is so important in the reproduction of music. No other speaker has the ability and then have the timbre qualities of the drivers that Richard uses. See my review on Agon of the Sevens I posted a few weeks ago.
Wisnon, Vienna Die Muzik are in fact Matt's current speakers.

Richfield_hunter, I have heard the opportunity of auditionhing Vandersteen 7s several times at RMAF... Units set up with TLC by Mr. Vandersteen himself... Pleasing, yet -- like Matt -- I was never enraptured... Different strokes, n'est pas?!

A hotel room is no indication of how they sound in a properly set up listening room. Like you said thats why we have choices. We each like have different opinions and likes and dislikes. For my money there is no comparison.
Guys, this goes for any great speaker and not just Vandy's. I don't see how you can get a good read from a show. Music is about the emotion and evolvement. The contestants who win those tV shows have the big dynamic voices (mostly). The TV's in a show room are on BRIGHT. The speakers that catch your ear in a showroom or show are the ones who are tipped up on both ends of the spectrum much of the time. I was at a demo of Vandy 7's and the 5's were playing in the other room and folks just gravitated to the other room. Granted they were smoking in there. They were the best I've ever heard 5 sound. I stayed in the vinyl room with ref AR/Vandersteen amps and the 7's....I heard things that I've never heard before and I was VERY familiar with the cuts as well as the gear and the room. I went up to Richard and the owner and told them both I was in shock as how incredible the 7's sounded. They had the emotion, the speed, the timbre.....the stage, the placement of sound and everything else you hear at a live event. It wasn't 'hifi' and I got one other audiophile to go back in the room with me to give them a real listen while everyone else was around the 5's. This person listened for a few tracks and said that he too heard and felt what I did. It was like being at a live event. I know that Richfield will probably say the same thing. It isn't the speaker that will jump out at you and 'impress' you, but over time it's the one that does nearly everything right. It even plays big if you want that. I've spent a lot of time recently with some of the speakers on Matt's list and am impressed by many. The thing is I can't live with many of them as they are missing something and often it's because they are tipped up 1 to even 2 db on the top and that's to grab folks attention. That's why you get so fatigued and blame it on other components or your room. We've all gone this route in the past and will continue to.

For me I'd audition the newest Rockport, Kharma, Avalon (haven't heard them in years but used to like them), Wilson and Tidal. I've spent a fair amount of time with all the above except the Kharma and Avalon. I think I have liked the Tidal best behind the Vandy's. I heard them with all Tidal gear and they were set up perfectly in the dealer's home. I just couldn't' fully get into the layers of texture of the songs like I do with the 7's. We all have different likes and dislikes, that's for sure.

Matt, please let me know if you head over to Johnny's for a listen and I'll try to get down to meet you in person. Richfield, that goes for you too!