Achieving audio system synergy

I am putting together a system after much procrastination. My budget is $5K – 8K (new or used).
My music is a lot of vocal. Opera, Norah Jones, Sinatra. Orchestra, pop and blues.
Sound – needs to be musical but want to hear the details. Don’t want purely clinical. Sound stage is important. Want some warmth but not have all the edges rounded off. The key is to have a system that plays well together and the sum hopefully is better than each individual component can do.
I have bought a Plinius 8200 MkII from a fellow A’goner recently. Have not received it yet. Though I think I will like it I am not married to it.
Room – 12x17x9 with one 17 ft side open into the breakfast and kitchen area.
- wood floor, kind of a hard room.
Components being considered:
- Spendor S8e - Read a lot of good things about this. Have auditioned S5e in a local dealer. The room was pretty bad and I could not hear any magic that I was hoping for. Cannot get a local audition of S8e so far. Any help here? (I am in the South San Francisco Bay area). I am tempted to buy the S8e un-auditioned based on review alone (dangerous move).
- Dali Helicon 400 – auditioned it with Simaudio I-3 and Eclipse CDP. Loved the soundstage, the details and overall sound. Concerned about the possible fatigue factor with the high end in long listening
- Harbeth, JMR, Zu and Usher all have good reviews here but hard to get an audition. I am intrigued by JMR and Usher. May try to audition them.
- Not familiar with tube. So the Plinius hopefully will do.
Source – not a vinyl guy, CDP only
- Ayre CX7e based on review this could be the one. Have not auditioned.
- Simaudio Eclipse – love the details and speed. But not sure it justifies the price
- Tube CDP – open to it. Auditioned Jolida JD 100, not impressed

So I am wondering if a Spendor S8e - Plinius 8200 – Ayre CX7e is a winning combination that can last a long time or there is a better combination.

Thanks for your input in advance

Spendor S8e strongly recommended. I had some Helicon 400s, and they are a bit tart and fatiging on top, as well as slightly recessed in the mids and bass compared to the nicely textured full bodied Spendors.
Your best bet is to go listen to what the pro's , ie. dealers , have put together . If they are good at will know . If they are not , well you will know ! Bring your own favorite and well known cd's for a test listen . Take your time , a lot of stuff sounds real good for 10 - 15 minutes then starts to get fatiguing .

Try to listen within and outside of your budget level . Many manufacturers have a house sound and the mid level stuff is very close to the upper end stuff .

Then copy it .

I would buy the speakers new at the dealer where you found the best sounding 'system' as they are the hardest to deal with when shipping comes into play . Then do the rest used . Cary makes some nice CDP's that will have two outputs , one SS and one tubed , switchable on the fly via the remote . They also have digital out so that you can try different DAC's later on . And stick with an integrated amp for cost savings . If you are married to the Sim int. , then find a Sim dealer in your area and see what he is using for speakers to demo his Sim pieces . The amp and speaker combination is the most important to get right .

Try to get a big area rug between you and the speakers as well as other things in the room that can absorb some sound at reflection points such as plants , books , tapestries , pictures etc . Just be aware that your room will probably never sound the same as the dealers showroom . But take note on how he has treated his room and set up the speaker and listening positions for a starting point .

And don't be afraid to take your Sim piece to other dealers to demo with their speakers . Finding a dealer that will work with you can be invaluable . And ones that won't are telling you something !

Good luck .
Ever wonder why, when you browse member's systems, you'll sometimes notice certain pieces of equipment associated together? Recognition of this will help you more quickly achieve the synergy you seek.
Synergy: When the whole is greater than the parts. Applied to electronics and audio, it's really more "silly gee whiz". A deep understanding of electronics is not required for this hobby but a good understanding of your goal will save a lot of aggravation and money.