Affordable Japanese LOMCs--Recommendations?

What do you have, what do you like, and why do you like it?

Sample Candidates:

Denon DL-103, DL-103R, DL-301 II, DL-304

Audio Technica OC9 ML/II, AT33EV, OC9 ML/III


Showing 3 responses by stanwal

I have now or very recently had the 103, 304, OC9/2 and 33EV. I find the 304 and 33 to be very neutral cartridges capable of giving a very good sound. The 103 is a little more bass heavy but may be preferred according to your taste. The OC9 is also quite good, I just think the 33 is better. Again, others may disagree. Cartridges seem to be the most contentious components on this forum; I consider myself to be middle of the road in my attitude. I personally like LOMCs better but if you like MMs I would not argue with you. I don't say that the ones I use are as good as the multi thousand $ ones, but they are good enough for me and when I hear the more expensive ones I am not tempted to buy them. In the last year and a half or so I have seriously upgraded my Phono, Preamp, Speakers and Amp and the cartridges have sounded better each time. Remember, the cartridge is on the far end of the system and EVERYTHING between it and the speaker will affect how it sounds.
I think any of the above will give you a good sound and the choice would depend on system and taste. The better your playback system the better they will sound.
You picked two I haven't used; what arm are you using? The 103 series like more mass than the others listed.
Buconero 117, hit and run comments do not indicate superior knowledge, just a snarky attitude. Johnny, as I haven't used them I can't advise but I have had good luck with all the Denon's I have used so you can't go far wrong.