AIFF Codec

What are the good and bad aspects of AIFF?

I understand that it takes up space, but hard drive space is inexpensive and I like the idea of having my music stored in a uncommpressed format.

It also seems that AIFF is widely accepted. From my research, Apple iTunes, Microsoft Windows Media Player and other popular media software support AIFF.

It also appears that AIFF supports "meta data" correctly, unlike WAV.

I like the Apple Lossless and FLAC formats, but iTunes doesn't support FLAC and very few media players support Apple Lossless. Both are great codecs, but I want to have a more open and flexable codec.

I also like the ability to use iTunes on my Macs and the Apple AirPort Express (AirTunes). I have a great CD player, but use it less and less the more I use iTunes, especially with the new Apple Remote App for the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome. I've been "lurking" in the Audiogon forums for the last few years, but this is my first post.

I appreciate your time. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jkscherk

I was under the impression that AIFF had little or no tagging/metadata support. If it does, would it be the best way to have uncompressed audio and still get all of the track/album info as well? I started out with WAV, but switched over to Apple Lossless in my iTunes/Sonos setup because I couldn't stand only being able to navigate in a folder structure alone (i.e. couldn't listen to my library by genre.)

BTW I stream wireless to the Sonos which feeds a PS Audio DAC III then on to a Parasound P-3 pre and Nuforce Ref9v2 monoblocks driving ACI Jaguar monitors.