All vandersteen users ?

have been using vk55: 55wpc for a pair of vandersteen 2ce Sig2 where have been recently told by another dealer that unless we hit 200W, one cannot really imagine what these speakers are capable of ..... he mentioned immensely higher 'headroom'

now looking at either upgrading to

1. a pair of vk55 monblocks
2. or just a vk75

Speakers wise, wld be looking at going up to vandersteen quatro...

Qn: Wld 02 x vk55 monoblocks really be too little for vandersteen 2ce Sig2 OR for that matter the quatro..

any advice from any vandersteen users wld be highly appreciated...
I'm not a Vandersteen user. Vandersteen recommends between 40-160 Watts into 8 Ohms for these speakers. I would humbly suggest you lean more towards the upper end rather than the lower end of this range.
Vandersteen speakers are capable of extraordinary performance. Even more important than raw power is quality of upstream components. Your best bet is to bring a pair home and try it with your stuff in your room.

I wouldn't say that's true - I got great results using an Audio Refinement 50-watt integrated with my 2Ce Signatures. Very nice sound and I did not have to turn it up to super-high levels (and I like to rock).

Eventually, though, I did want something with a great phono stage built in, so I opted for a Plinius 8200 MKII, which is quite powerful.

The Plinius sounds better, no doubt about it, but I dunno if that's because of the quality of the components - or something else?