Amazing Solo Piano Recordings

I'm looking to get your oppinions on the best solo piano recordings available. Style or genre is not important as long as the recording is pristine, clear, open and in your oppinion AMAZING! Please if you can, state artist, label, etc., so we audiogoner's can buy 'em!

Showing 3 responses by gabbro

Two Angela Hewitt recordings have remain unshelved for more than a year; one in the main system and one upstairs. I heartily recommend the 2004 Hyperion recordings of Chopin Nocturnes (CDA67371/2) and Couperin Keyboard Music - 2 (CDA67440). These are both incredibly elegant recordings; atmospheric yet refined. The Nocturnes are a more distant recording with a wonderful acoustic ambience. I had previously been unconcerned with this composer until I heard these pieces. The Couperin is harpsicord music on modern piano and has a stately, accessible feel. A bit more forward in presentation than the Chopin, but it seems appropriate in mimickry of harpsicord. There are two other recordings in the Couperin series as well and all are an excellent example of the classic French sound.
Alkan - Concerto for Solo Piano (Marc-Andre Hamelin; Hyperion CDA67569). I picked this up some time ago and just listened to it recently. A stunning work; the 3rd movement can be seen here: