Amp for Harbeth P3ESR

I am looking for an amp synergy with Harbeths.

With one qualification. I was looking for an amp with a high-pass filter of some kind with use of a sub-woofer as to open the mid-range of the harbeth's a little and to extend the bass and improve impact.
Most of the amps suggested for the Harbeth sound are very minimalistic. (certainly the lfd which is my number one choice). How could I use a subwoofer in such a setup as described to open the midrange?

The one option I have found is the Naim Uniti but alas it is out of my price range and they hardly ever come up used on here.

The Naim XS has a remote control and I thought a better build quality than the LFD.

Both amps are very popular with Harbeth owners. There is a new version of the LFD coming out you may want to wait for and audition.

Good luck......
The Bryston B60 is a phenominal integrated amp (I own one), and can fit your budget used. Impeccable build quality and customer support. It sounds very good with Harbeths to my ears.

If you don't mind tubes or not having a remote, the Manley Stingray is a tough integrated to beat. Newer models have a sub out (not sure about management). It's got a great sense of groove (as do many mentioned here) and hypothetically should pair up well with your Harbeths.
I just purchased a Creek Destiny. I hope it sounds phenomenal.
Class A stereophile! (though I am a skeptic about stereophile, it is still worth taking note)

Thanks everyone,

It has pre-out and power-in and hope to use a sub woofer for both High and Low pass.
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The Destiny is an excellent integrated, Sam. For some reason, it's one that I forget about. Should sound great with your speakers!