Amp for VR4SR

I am looking for an amp to run my VR4SR.
My music is mainly vocal, strings and classic.
Second hand will be just fine.
Budget is up to $5K- $6K
Would like to also hear about SS amp and or combination of Preamp + power amp - as long as it was checked Specifically with the VR4SR.
Thank you
I am very pleased with the Spectron Musician 3SE, now an MK2, running my 4 Seniors. Plenty of muscle to make them sing! I'm currently using a Belles 28A pre (SS), but also use a Modwright 9SE (tube) on occasion. The Spectron is sensitive to IC cables...AZ Mattrix Ref IIs are my choice. Check out the other threads on the Spectron. Yes..they are all true.
I would suggest as much power as you can possibly get. I think they can sound uninvolving unless they get plenty of power. I chose the Parasound JC-1s over the VTL 450s and am using a solid state Ayre K-1x preamp. Maybe dynamics won't be at the top of your want list with the kind of music you like most but as far as I can tell they just don't jump to life without some power.
I owned VR4 Gen III HSE. I used a VAC Phi 110/110 on them with pretty good results, but the top end was always marred with some glare, and the bottom end was not as tight as I'd like. I would suggest the VAC Avatar would not be the best match.

Never heard the Unico.

The combination I had that really lit up the VR4 speakers was a Moscode 401HR paired with a Lamm LL2 Deluxe preamp. Great combination.

The VR4 series speakers need refined power, and plenty of it, IMO.
Thank you Ejlif & Tvad.
Talking about power: did anyone try the VR4SR with a set of Jeff Rowland mono amps? In my experience (not with the VR) they have lots of power - very clean and accurate. I consider Valves because I love the warm sound, although like also lots of details and excellent sound stage. But if these pair need lots of power than maybe a set of Jeff Rowland as the power unit + a valve pre-amplifier (vac, cary, lamm ….?) will fit the most?
Rowland monos would be a good choice, as would Pass Labs monos.

I really liked the tube qualities married with solid state power of the Moscode.