Amp for VR4SR

I am looking for an amp to run my VR4SR.
My music is mainly vocal, strings and classic.
Second hand will be just fine.
Budget is up to $5K- $6K
Would like to also hear about SS amp and or combination of Preamp + power amp - as long as it was checked Specifically with the VR4SR.
Thank you
I owned VR4 Gen III HSE. I used a VAC Phi 110/110 on them with pretty good results, but the top end was always marred with some glare, and the bottom end was not as tight as I'd like. I would suggest the VAC Avatar would not be the best match.

Never heard the Unico.

The combination I had that really lit up the VR4 speakers was a Moscode 401HR paired with a Lamm LL2 Deluxe preamp. Great combination.

The VR4 series speakers need refined power, and plenty of it, IMO.
Thank you Ejlif & Tvad.
Talking about power: did anyone try the VR4SR with a set of Jeff Rowland mono amps? In my experience (not with the VR) they have lots of power - very clean and accurate. I consider Valves because I love the warm sound, although like also lots of details and excellent sound stage. But if these pair need lots of power than maybe a set of Jeff Rowland as the power unit + a valve pre-amplifier (vac, cary, lamm ….?) will fit the most?
Rowland monos would be a good choice, as would Pass Labs monos.

I really liked the tube qualities married with solid state power of the Moscode.
To add something to the mix I am running my 4sr's with a 16 watt Art Audio Carissa with great results in a 15x17 room. It depends on how loud you want to play. I think the quality of the amp and its power supply are key. The speaker will repeat what you put into it. Best of luck.

Blessings, Bob
Thank you all.
Most of the audiophiles that I made contact with are sure of 2 "basic facts":
One - the VR4SR LOVE valve - as if they actually made for it.
Two - they do need power.

So it seems that I need to check and listen to either strong (and unfortunately expensive) valve amplification or the combination of a "gentle" solid state power amp(maybe Jeff Rowland? I wonder if pass labs will not be too "cold") with a valve pre-amp.

Using hybrid as an amp (with valve pre amp) sound very interesting although I must admit that I never heard about Moscode until this thread.