AMR AM-77 integrated

Anyone heard the Abbingdon Music Research AM-77 amp
yet? There's a tremendous buzz in Europe about both the amp
and the CD-77 technical and build quality. But how do they sound?

Showing 1 response by f1a

This fellow on audioasylum heard it at a recent show in London:

"Standout room for me and it's not often I get blown away and I've got a decent rig myself was the Abbingdon Music Research room with the CD77/AM77 and LS77 speakers. This is a complete system for about £12K and it was phenomenal. Huge soundstage and lifelike sized images with that presence factor you get with horns. I was amazed you could get all this for £12K. I'm tempted to say it beats my system in some ways and the CD player sounded, and I know this is first impressions, better than my Audio Aero Prestige. How can Thorsten do it for less than 5 grand. This is going to compete with the Esoterics, Meitner gear and dare I say it the Zanden players. When Srajan gets to hear this he'll be writing pages!"

Link is here: