Any advice on buying quality vinyl

As I'm exploring my old vinyl collection with the addition of some new purchases, I'm wondering what the thoughts are on the quality of Mofi, Better Records and the like.  I have leaned toward Mobile Fidelity, but am put off by the insane prices on Better Records Hot Stampers.  Are they worth it?  Your experiences please.

Showing 1 response by dynaquest4

Analog record playing is not an audio "level" as much as it is an audio "experience."  You know....the record case, sleeve, groove cleaner, turntable, tonearm, platter...etc. It is an outdated system that someone thought was retro cool and decided to confuse a lot of people with "retro-cool" hype.  It is still the same limited, flawed analog system it always was. 

But what it does provide is a really cool looking playback device - the turntable.  I get that....appearance is cool and part of the experience.  Audio hacks with time to kill have convinced their clueless buddies that this is the platform of the future. certainly sounds different from digital audio...but not better.  Sony and Phillips replaced the LP with a disc with far superior sonic capability.  Don't even try to argue that.  Scientists and audio engineers way smarter than you and I have trumped that notion.