Any EAD owner's from New Jersey out there?

I own an EAD Ovation processor, and would like to get together with someone who knows how to get the most out of this unit. If there is anyone out there who lives in NJ let me know.
I live in Basking Ridge, and I still have original Ovation, Theater Vision P ... in my attic - they were great to me for long time, but now it is old technology, and I do not use them anymore. The only part of my EAD system in use now is PM1000 - beautiful amplifier.
You can e-mail me if you want to talk about it off thread.
You might contact Greg Noble at Noble electronics in Fairfield, Iowa. He is part of the original EAD, and services and mods all & any EAD units. I've gotten a lot of very good information from him on the EAD stuff I've had, as well as my pm2000 amp. Try or google Noble Electronics. mb