Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?

Hi everyone!

I bought my very first place, and need an upgrade, but there is a lack of dealers in MD.

Before I get started, I love the SCM20 sound, and I actually dont mind the way it looks. But I know for a fact it would not be able to fill up a large space. Therefore looking for a larger speaker. I was thinking of the SCM100, but they do not mate well to my modern furniture.

Now, I don't have a wife (thank God, I am only 25), but the place will be my personal bachelor pad, and i want it to look modern and clean. The living room is about 18x27. Speakers will be on the short wall. Budge is under 6K, I can stretch it a bit, but rather not. The lower the price the better, and used of course! Inefficient speakers are welcome!

Stan: the kit does look interesting, and quite affordable. However, the last time I solder anything, I nearly destroy the entire speaker. Quite an experience!

Rodge, I will look into those monitors. They do look kind of cool, almost like a mini Kharma speaker.

Shardone: those barebones were actually on my list before I got my atc. I am wondering if their drivers are as robust as Atc for that price. However, I do have the audiophile curse, I love the sight of two big monoblocks!

As for the PMC, they are like a slightly warmer ATC, which is great. They look similiar, and the one that looks "industrial" are $$$

Have you heard the Revel Salon version 1? That is one great looking speaker, especially in silver.
There are a pair of PMC OB1's for sale on the forum. Not exactly high WAF but damn they sound good. And for ~$2350, they are a pretty good deal.
Proac D28, or the D38 if you want to spend more. Also Vandersteen Quattro, Vienna Acoustics, Maybe even Magnepan 1.7 in off white, also Martin Logan's are pretty cool looking.
Kit from Wilmslow Audio is not nearly as good as ATC, its performance in the original design, as delivered from Wilmslow, is abysmal. And passive ATCs when compared to the same active models have quite poor performance.
Only active ATCs are absolutely stellar performers and hard to beat.
Kinn, I suggest you search the recent thread, here.. "Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women". Choose for YOU without the WAF as a factor. Speakers may be the perfect Litmus Test when looking for a prospective wife. Me: ..let's see.... JBL 4550's or wife, 4550's...wife, 4550's...wife.... Tough choice