
Responses from sashav

Bryston Announces NEW BDP-2 / BDA-2
BDA-1 and BDA-2 cannot be more different from each other than they are.The difference is absolutely enormous, much bigger than a difference between any amps in Bryston lineup from 4B SST to 28B SST.There is no single aspect of sound reproduction w... 
Calling ATC owners
I chose black because it can fit quite well in almost any decor, other colors are harder to incorporate anywhere. 
Help me choose an active crossover
Amfibius,Would you mind telling what DEQX model you had and what you found objectionable with that unit?It seems you got in the end XM44, how did that one fare in comparison to DEQX?Have you had any experience with Pass Labs XVR-1? 
what speaker to replace atc scm35
Give active ATCs in your price range a listen, active ones outperfrom passive ones significantly. 
6 channel volume controller?
Martykl,It is exactly what I want to do.And I am aware of DEQX, in fact I plan to use DEQX but with its digital output board, so that I can do DA conversion outside of it using higher grade DACs. From DACs I would then go into this multichannel vo... 
6 channel volume controller?
There is no really a 6 channel source, I am looking for a volume control in analog domain for my active speakers project, 3-way activated, thus 6 channels that need master volume control. 
6 channel volume controller?
Yes, Theta's six shooter would be great if Theta processor was not required.I need a device that will allow me to connect 6 balanced inputs and take out 6 attenuated balanced outputs, as simple as that.It may have more than a single set of 6 input... 
6 channel volume controller?
It does not seem the quetion is understood.I am looking for an active volume controller (pre-amp) with 6 (six) balanced inputs that will be attenuated and then sent to 6 (six) balanced outputs. 
6 channel volume controller?
Can you let me know the models? Beside EMM Switchman MKII I do not see any multichannel preamplifiers that feature at least 6 balanced inputs and outputs, nothing from Audio Research, Bell Canto? 
active speakers, Paradise? Trouble in paradise?
I own active ones that did exactly that, made me forget about all the passive ones. 
Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?
Kit from Wilmslow Audio is not nearly as good as ATC, its performance in the original design, as delivered from Wilmslow, is abysmal. And passive ATCs when compared to the same active models have quite poor performance.Only active ATCs are absolut... 
PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???
In regard to active PMCs not showing up on used market while ATCs do, it is understandable, truly active PMCs are huge and very expensive beasts, this new active IB2S is PMCs smallest and first 3 way truly active (not just powered, or “activated” ... 
PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???
Yes, amplification is Class D, I am not certain but I believe it is Hypex. The choice was probably driven by space, low heat generation and power consumption. It is quite possible that digital cross-over is also Hypex job, but it is only my somewh... 
PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???
Ssolman, what you described with the track from Alison Krauss is what I found generally with all good recordings, you keep increasing volume and it makes you want more of it.I have not yet received active IB2S-a, they are on their way.Note that I ... 
PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???
I prefer ATC SCM50ASL and larger models to passive IB2S.Some may prefer an apparent low end extension of IB2S, but that comes at price. Active ATCs give you better window into the recording, the line of hearing things never heard before is what co...