Any information/experience with Olive ONE

I saw the ad for this in the A-gon classifieds as I was updating my virtual system. IF this gizmo is as good as the maker claims it to be, at the price, it may free up my laptop for better uses. A cursory google search shows no reviews or independent feedback re user interface and audio quality.

Showing 1 response by cmot

I am beginning to wonder if they will never deliver. They have basically gone black for months now. Moreover, their Facebook page made some vague reference to delivering the first backer units, but no photos, announcements or anything. And someone asked to see a photo and got no response. Purchasing through sites like Indiegogo or kickstarted provide no relief if the company never delivers. In this case Olive is holding a good bit of many people's money... I got nervous and held off paying for one when they kept switching specs and varying the "deals". Will be interesting to see how this plays out.