Any one here heard the Bmi Oceanic Statement?

I'm a Power Cord FREAK!!! I heard lots of good things about BMI. I'm looking to put it in my CDP. Right now I'm using a AQ power cord the NRG-5 retail some where $600 dollars, I pay about $200 not bad for the money. Any way any experience with the Bmi Oceanic Statement would be appreciated. Thank You.
Tabu, I see your point. I thought they were a couple hundred at best. The Oceanic does not sell for 15k. Maybe 3k.
Mr. Tabu (Pierre)

I usually let things go on these forums to voice opinions.
But when someone makes false accusations about my product, that is when I set the record straight.

According to my records you purchased (1) cable from BMI Cables. Your purchase was on March 11, 2002 for a 5ft. BMI Whale Elite mk2 (serial #525). You paid $450 plus shipping to Canada. (Not $900 as you stated).

Years later you cut your BMI Whale cable in half to try to make a pair. You emailed me and we spoke on the telephone. I clearly stated that the Whale was out of warranty as stated in BMI Cable's disclaimer. Once the cable is cut and or abused by the owner this voids any manufacture warranty.

You can read the BMI Cables disclaimer below:

I. Any cutting, modifying, altering damaging any of the original BMI Cable models will void any support from the manufacturer. If one removes the clear shrink of a BMI cable, in essence this ruins the originality, resale of the cable and any future manufacture support.

II. BMI cables has the right to change product designs and specs in its production cycle without notice or advertisement. BMI Cables has one goal and that is to make an excellent sounding power cable. Specs, type of metal conductors, and connectors are often dramatically changed to get that sonic signature sound within a model version. Some BMI cable models could potentially have a lifespan of 10 years in production, which usually involves many different conductor designs within the production years for the maximum sound result.

III. Any alterations or modifications to any Original BMI cables will void any warranty. Any damage or cutting of the conductors or original shrink will void any warranty by BMI cables. Any untermination of any BMI cables connectors will void any warranty or support of the manufacturer. Once any BMI cable is cut open the manufacture will not recognize or support altered product. This goes for cutting the cable for shorter lengths or doubling up the cable for quantity.

IV. Any attempts to hardwire a BMI cable will void any support of the manufacturer.

V. Any change of shrink or altering serial numbers will void the support of the manufacturer.

VI. Once product leaves BMI cables all sales are finals. The owner, distributor or reseller of the BMI cable is responsible in keeping the product in its original condition for any future manufacture support.

In summary I say no more about your badgerized statements here. Just read the feedback on Audiogon and thousands of BMI Cables customers since 1996 worldwide.

BMI Cables
Tabu, are these the facts? If so then Audiogon needs to delete these recent posts and BMI should request this to make it happen.
yes i did..!..they should have called it and not the oceanic...!!! is so far the best pcord ever built and beleive it or not and the best is yet to come ...cause it is not yet fully broken ,it's only two month since i baught mine and i will never change or sale a couple of month it will out done itself...i did compered to pc.jps alluminata,pc david elrod gold purist audio 20 anniverserie genesise way very very well ahead. Have a try. Only bmi oceanic (the terrorist ) can make your dream come true cause it is a reality and i mean it *the terrorist is here*no pcord can beat it, it is a killer with the smile.
anyone have a chance to comper bmi hammerhead gold 5 against the pc hammerhead silver pcord 5.and if so please give us your tought.thx

No PC can beat it? Really? You head all AC cables like Stage 3 Kraken and it is better? Odin?

Calm down and get all the heavy hitters and then report back
i far the best pcord ever made regardless any has been feeding my amp viola symphonie for the last couple of month,i have had different pcords wich were more or less at the same price but no one gave the result i was expecting till i got the oceanic from bmi. So far deeper double bass transparent mid bass clean mid high reach sound big sound stage real 3 dimension(3d) space between instruments i could hear what the others pcords could not reproduice *this pcord is a fantastic one and apparently the best is yet to is not yet fully brocken...defenetly i dare say i have found the best pcod for my amp and i am proud to say it because it is a reality,i am happy to listen to music when ever i can.for info.[i don't have any link with bmi manufacturer].honestly it is a fantastic pcord. Thx. Audionphile from paris.france.
hi glory..!..i was not alone we were 4 to comper it... 2 audiophiles 1 musicien and 1 ingeneer.we all did agree the bmi oceanic statement was the best it was very naturel,exiting and the pleasure to listen must listen to yourself to beleive it.honestly..i mean it.thx for your interest.
hi glory..!..i forgot to add my cat, her name is *tati*she did not want to leave the listening room until the end of the demo let us be serious there must be others manufacturers who makes great pcords but this time at [bmi] they have put a tramendus work into their product( pcords) to the point where they are going to be difficult for others manufacturer to beat or at least to get closer because bmi company have straseen the lead,let us hope for a short moment and that the search does not stop here but as far as they are getting us closer to live music that's the mos important. thanks god we have the music to listen to. May god save the music.

So what did you compare it to. Stage 3? Odin? Elrod?

Love it when we are so general!
hi glory...! stage 3 better than odin pc...?..if it better than elrod gold...?...if not then consider bmi oceanic statement as *world champion hifi pcord*untel an other manufacturer comes up with the best one.

NO Power Cords in this planet worth $15k, People are CRAZY!!!! spending that kind of money for power cords, maybe $200~$1000 Maybe! BUT NOT $15K NO WAY! you guys are CRAZY! I really like this hobby very much! but I'm not that crazy guy to spent $15k or even $2k for a power cord. They are better power cords out there costing way less then a $15K pc, I just got some nice! power cords from APCcables for a reasonable price, Ultra! performance! much better craftsmanship then many power cords that I've ever seen under $1,000usd. Very happy with this new power cords. Mike
I have all BMI Oceanics and they are the best I have heard...and that is many. The street price is much below the list.....just take a look here on A-gon. That said, the Hammerhead 5 is a great cable too. I have turned several audiophiles onto them who have not only bought them themselves, but gotten their audio pals to do the same. FWIW
I have used mostly BMI for years now, but previously tried many others. the higher end stuff included Stealth Dreams, Elrod EPS's and Statements, NBS, Dream State, Siltech and Fusion. The list is very long otherwise, but suffice it to say I always came back to BMI. I didn't care much for the Whale Supreme, but the Orca series was really nice and the Hammerhead series amazing although I never heard the 4. The HH5 was so good, I bit the bullet and have 3 Oceanics, one of them Silver. Every BMI power cord I have sold has been met with incredible praise from the's nice testimony. And, for me, they have represented surprisingly large system upgrades. The Oceanics are heads and shoulders above what I have ever had the pleasure of listening to in my system. BMI's cords make it so there is no guessing or wondering if there is an improvement in the sound of your system, it is in your face apparent that they show what a power cord can add. Try one of the earlier models out if you ever get a chance. Not many come around...more testimony!? Anyway, I hope you you get to check them out, it would be nice to hear what you think....or hear....
Somebody might want to try the Stage 3 Krakens up against this cord. I am running all of these PC's in my system and they are unbelievable ! They absolutely crushed my Tara Labs Cobalts that I was running before. It wasn't even close. In Brian Ackerman I trust !
LOL!, Restassured, A power cable that cost twice as much as the Taralabs cobalt power cable should out perform it!, on this thread, some of the power cables are 3 times the price of the Taralabs cobalt power cord that out perform it, for the given retail price of $5,000.00 dollars, this is the best in this price range by a long shot available!, here is the kicker, I bet none of you can find a power cable at this price that better the Taralabs cobalt power cable!, I am awaiting the introduction of Taralabs new Evolution models to be revealed at ces 2014, if they come out with the matching power cord to this Evolution speaker cable, that retails for around $60,000.00 for 8ft pair of four leads that I have proto type pics of, sent to me from Taralabs, Lol!, I believe it will be game over for all thats mentioned here!
Unfortunately I believe it's true.

I hope the first fish to bite posts his results and then explain why he couldn't find a better way to spend $60K on the system.
@ wc65mustang, Hi, LOl!, I cannot afford them cables!, Ha, ha, maybe dream about them!, I was just saying that tara is coming out with new cables, something they have not done since 1997!, they had no reson untill now,those cables better make dinner too!, clean the house, all that!
I believe the BMI oceanic power cord is defiantly one of the very best along with the Stage III kraken power cord.
I just got my third power cord from Bmi ref: oceanic statement with rhodium is to me so far the best result i could get from my cdp Ayon cd5.. I Was using hammer head terminated with oyade p046 And p79 first the Sound Was less performing than with the oceanic statement with thé same termination (same plugs) but here again with the same statement oceanic reterminated with rhodium the Sound Was Much analitic And more refined it add the mélodie to the note...a pleasure to listen to.wherelse i am using now the hammer head with my préamp And the other oceanic to my tuner ..quite happy with overal sound.
I must admit my new pcord Bmi oceanic Statement with the rhodium plugs And the two other are not yet fully broken so the best is yet to Côme.
BMI Oceanic Statement is a very articulate warm sounding cable. Has great resolution and depth. I have owned literally dozens of different hi end power cables. Spending tens of thousands of dollars over the years. I must say by inserting one BMI Oceanic into my system was one of the best upgrades I have ever done. Just recently ordered another pair to see what kind of magic (3) BMI Oceanics will add to my system. I must say that this Oceanic is big but user friendly. I am extremely happy with the BMI Oceanic statement and recommend highyly who wants to hear what an incredible power cable can do for your audio system. Thank you BMI Cables. Miles Davis never sounded so real in my rig.
I agree mfslgoldcd, te Bmi Oceanic Statement is a tremendous upgrade when it comes to hearing the real deal of natural ambience and soundstage. Listening to Beethoven piano sonatas never sounded so natural and real when I inserted my first Ocenaic statement on my preamp. Since then I have four more and may be adding another one on to my line conditioner. Too bad Bmi Cables doesn't make a line conditioner anymore.
I would not say that i am lost..but it looks like.actualy my pcords BMI are not fully broke in si i have to wait litle bit more Time. I did all the combinaisons to find the correct power cord for the correcte gear And hère i am with différent Sound result And what a result...😄..maybe in à couple of months i Will find out where reach of them goes to the correct gear..!!!!..they are all of them (3)extraordinaire 1/. Pcord o stat with oyaide plugs 046/079....2/ pcord o.o stat with rhodium plugs...3/pcord h.head wth ayaide 046/079 i said i Will have to wait to de termine where reach one CAN give the best of itself with the matching item .
I am using all Oceanics as well, but without the Rhodium. All are Statements, one is silver, one gold. The differences are subtle, but I would still love to hear the rhodium version. The original is on my Klyne preamp, the Gold on my Plinius amp, and the Silver on my AMR CD. That seems to be where the fit best in my system.

I have a friend here who is very well informed and widely experience who had no luck using the BMI's. That is the exception to my knowledge, but there is always something to be said for synergy and aural taste. YMMV!

To my ear, the Oceanics are very neutral, extremely natural, quiet and very detailed without being etched or aggressive. They offer a pace and a presence that is very lifelike, open, and accurate. The Oceanics are the best I have heard and seem well suited for all my need and applications on my power, front end and source gear.

That said, I have never heard the Kraken, but have heard good things about it....I can't help but alway hear "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" resonating in a Scottish brogue in the back of my mind.

As long as we're enjoying the tunes and finding it fun, the path is the right one!
Not far than yesterday i had a friend in my house he brought with him some CDs And a pcord from stealth to see And comper against BMI pcords 10mn later he prefered to take his pcord offrande to keep listening his CD with Bmi pcord.even the Stealth 7000 Was quite good enough to listen toBut hé prefered Bmi pcords.The BMI pcord rhodium version is i would say made for sources (in my système configuration i am having excellent result even if it is not fully Break in.The second pcord statement oceanic with oyaide 046/079 is the best choise for my amp fast transparent Dynamic articulated bass And suprisingly it clé ans up all the High frequency it extends the High in a Way like you're turning the light on,it allows the speakers to breath softly And deeply with surergicly Way..or maner as you wish And the other(3) pcord hammerhead is doping à fantastic job with my préamp very open very natural very silky a pleasir to listen to all thèse pcords.i am defenetly going to order an other pcord for my tuner magnumdynalab And it´s going to be rhodium statement even if i have to wait few months before the Break in.
I have tried And décided to keep the hammerhead pcord for my préamp ,it´s a matter of transparency ,clarity and neutrality And it helps where others pcords connected either to cdp or amplifier show their potentiality in my case obviously,i could determin where i could go plugging any pcord to the wrong gear at least with my system And i am waiting for my next statement pcord to be commercialised apparently terminated by the all new wattgat rhodium plugs.hope that helps
Budburma..!..i have never heard the silver oceanic pcord ..CAN you please tell us How do you find the silver And where are you using it..?..How do you compère to the rest of the pcords oceanic statement..?..actualy i am waiting for the new plugs from watgatte to be released And to order an other oceanic Bmi.thank you.chahed
Hi, yes, I have some notes at home regarding the sounds of differing Oceanics. I have a recent cord, a silver terminated one and one with the original metallurgy. they are all 3.4-4 ft. long. I have recently been trying other combinations of cables. It sounds like you like the Rhodium a lot. What Wattgates are you waiting on? Would you like to try one of mine? Where are you located?
Hello Budbarma..!.. Thankyou for your kindness..!!!..but i live in Paris ...!!!.. never the less i have to admit to avoid any synergie it would be far better
To power the whole system only with BMI pcord.. I did mixe up with other pcords you endup upset And beleive me or not they were more or less the same price.. Thx chahed
I haven't thought about changing power cords again after installing the BMI's. Flat out great power cords!