Anyone heard the MIT Oracle V2.2 spkr cbl upgrade?

I posted this in an earlier forum where we were discussing the new Wilson Watt Puppy 8’s as I was thinking about upgrading my Watt 5.1’s to the 8’s. If I am going to do that I was also thinking about upgrading my speaker cables from V2.1 to the new V2.2’s. Though MIT is very helpful over the phone, I would like to see if anyone may have some insight to this, it would be most appreciated.
First a disclaimer: I'm an MIT dealer -- actualy the ONLY dealer, other than that factory, authorized to sell the "dot2" series. So, I might be a little BIASED.

In the process of delivering a new pr of Oracle V2.2 WideBand to a long term friend/client, he allowed me to listen to them for a week while burning them in. IMHO, the V2.2 spkr cable has more in common, sonically, with the V1.1 than it does with the V2.1. In this design, Bruce Brisson has concentrated on the "you are there" aspect of holography. The V2.2 is more open and effortless-sounding than V2.1 and has a more authoritative bottom-end with better pitch definition -- similar to the V1.1 spkr cable. IF D.K. reads this, he might also like to share his experience.
Hope this helps,

Hi there,

I saw your post and couldn’t help responding. I sent my Oracle V3.1 speaker cables in for the V3.2 upgrade about six weeks ago. I was pretty impressed with the turn around time. I got my upgraded cables back in just 8 days from the time they left my house. What I noticed straight away when I plugged in my upgraded cables, was “more”, “more” everything. As they indicate in their advertising, It was like I had moved up to the 1st row at the show from the 10th. The detail, space between instruments, bass depth and clarity, were immediately astounding. The image now from my Martin Logan Statements is breath taking. This upgrade is probably some of the better money that I’ve thrown at my little obsession. Now I am also very curious to hear the V2.2’s.
Thanks for the information guys. I went ahead and sent my cables in for upgrade today. I’m already happy with the performance that I’m getting, so if there is at least a 15% improvement in performance, I’ll feel that it was worth it. I’ll post what happens here when I get them back.
I upgraded my V2.1's to the V2.2's through Joe Abrams. What a freakin mind bending transformation....completely immersive and enthralling, HUGE DYNAMIC ENVELOPE and tonality that is so DEAD ON it's frightening!! Complex passages under extreme current demands and tonal challenges are handled as if it were the real thing in your room...disarmingly great! If you care about music you mut get them.
Ok. So my upgraded Oracle V2.2's arrived about a week ago. Pretty quick delivery I might add. I hooked them up to my system and (To Quote Emeril Lagasse: "BAM!") It is unbelievable the immediate difference, the imaging, the bass, the "Oh My God!" factor was thru the roof. I had my Oracle V2.1's for about 4 years and know my system and my room inside and out. It was like I walked into someone else's room, but then was so pleased to know this is mine, all mine. I'm completely convinced that this was some of the best money I have spent in years on my system. And the best part is that they are not even completely burned in yet. Dave B your assessment was right on the money.
2nd Update:
The cables have now been burning in for over 2 weeks now. I believe I have over 300 hours on them as I have been leaving my equipment on overnight several times repeating a CD on very low volume as Steve at MIT had suggested. I am truely amazed at the completed sound that I have attained with the new cables. It has made my Wilson 5.1's sing, making them play at unbelievably low frequencies without over riding any of the perfectly accentuated midrange, and the highs are remakably clear but not harsh. The image depth, width and highth seem to be so pinpoint accurate, it is scarry. I really couldn't be happier. It was only 6 weeks ago that I was going to ditch my 5.1's for the new 8's. I am seriously glad that I made this improvement first. Because if I do go to the Watt Puppy 8's my system will be more than ready for the upgrade. I might do the interconnects next. If it has the same effect as the speaker cables had I'm really in for a great ride.
2nd Update:
The cables have now been burning in for over 2 weeks now. I believe I have over 300 hours on them as I have been leaving my equipment on overnight several times repeating a CD on very low volume as Steve at MIT had suggested. I am truly amazed at the completed sound that I have attained with the new cables. It has made my Wilson 5.1's sing, making them play at unbelievably low frequencies without over riding any of the perfectly accentuated midrange, and the highs are remarkably clear but not harsh. The image depth, width and height seem to be so pinpoint accurate, it is scary. I really couldn't be happier. It was only 6 weeks ago that I was going to ditch my 5.1's for the new 8's. I am seriously glad that I made this improvement first. Because if I do go to the Watt Puppy 8's my system will be more than ready for the upgrade. I might do the interconnects next. If it has the same effect as the speaker cables had I'm really in for a great ride.
I just got my 3.1 Speaker Cables upgraded. Without going into a lot of detail here about the difference in sound, let it suffice to say that it's significant. If you're commited to keeping your MIT cables (it's quite an investment) then I certainly feel that this particular upgrade is worth it. The guys at the MIT office said that they thought the 3.1 to 3.2 upgrade was the most dramatic change in the group. It was a LOT of money for me to spend (I'm a starving artist type: classical musician) and I feel that my money was well spent - at least as far as outrageous audio expenses go.

Feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.

I am getting an Oracle AC2 power cord today for my amp...Oh boy! I'll keep you posted:)
The AC 2 power cord is so vastly superior to anything else I've ever heard that words fail me. Get one to will be blown away!
Dave_b - I've looked at those a couple of times but people don't talk that much about them. Out of curiosity what other power cords have you tried. Thanks!
Transparent MM, Purist Dominus, Kimber PK-10, Harmonic tech Magic, Synergistic Reference, assorted budget brands like Signal cable to test their claims...they didn't even come close. The AC 2 is awe inspiring on so many levels, but suffuce it to say it put's me in the concert hall like no other PC has...granted I have all Oracle cabling now! Joe at Equus Audio hooked me up.
Just a note on the AC 2 PC. I was at the recording sssion for the Ondine SACD release of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestras live recording of Bartok's Concerto For Orchestra...with the new MIT AC2 powering my amplification and a ZIII on my SACD standard, I am sitting back in my 5th row center seats at the kimmel center in Philly!