Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!

Showing 5 responses by dev

Hi Ozzy,

hows it going, we haven't chatted for a while. I see you are still enjoying your Anda 2's, marvelous speakers.

I'm really skeptical about this pce.

Reading your review I was surprised when I read;

"With the Qol engaged, the music takes on a natural sound and image. The soundstage becomes very wide and deep. My speakers virtually disappear"

When I had my Andra's, I had them dialed in so that you could not actually tell music was coming from them at all. My prefered toe-in was tweeters firing just to the outside of my ears, I had them placed upon Sistrum platforms.

Reading your own notes you appear to have had some hick-ups, have you actually taken the time to remove the unit right out of your set-up and not just pushing disengage and have a listen and compare?

Did you read Madfloyd posting just above? If so can you comment in realtion to what he heard and the differences you are hearing.


Hi Ozzy, I don't know if that was a question me in relation to the Andra's.

It's been a few years now since I owned mine, I've been using MBL 101E's.

As long as you are happy as you wrote that's all that matters in the end, yes I agree best is to try.

Seems like anyone whom I know who has heard it besides your self has not liked it feeling it just another one of those gagets that might be interesting at first but for long term not so.

I suppose in due time we will all know becuase if it's all that we'll all own one.

As you wrote;

"Well, if you want the deepest, widest soundstage and the wildest dynamics your components can handle, what price is that worth to you? For me, itÂ’s a keeper, no question."

Who doesn't want this?

Ozzy, I have known you for years and must say I was shocked with reading your last response. :-(

I believe you owe a sorry for your last posting, no problem debating but why oh why does it have to turn to this.

I appreciate individules providing their take on what ever it is and in the end if the item really interest me then it's up to me to try and make my own assessment.

Just because I like it doesn't mean you or others will be agreement nor the opposite, it's all subjective.

One area that is a fact and no one should be able to disagree with signal wise is if you add something then the signal is not as pure with out, example; adding another cable and/or a devise such as this Qol.

Possibly you would like to repost clearifying your past post.
What will happen to this company if everyone wants to send them back and get their refund as stated? just curious.

Could be a real disaster don't you think or even if something does wrong because these are so new with no history.

I say this because I know numerous whom have ordered and said if they don't like it they will send it back and get their refund.

Can't resend used units out either to clients who purchased new.

Any thoughts in relation to this
Hi Ozzy, your post arrived prior to mine.

Hi Spiritofmusic, maybe my post did not come across clear so I'll clarifiy.

What I was trying to convey was;

I have a pre-amp connected to my amp using one IC cable, now I place this Qol for example between the two along with adding a additional IC cable.

The latter to me is not as pure a signal, hope that clarifies.

Now the end result, well that's a whole different story and debatable.