Anyone love TIDAL lossless streaming like I do?

I love Tidal. The sound quality from its Hifi mode (lossless) is truly amazing and awesome. I have lot's of SACDs and lossless on even old recordings in 16/44 rivals it. If you felt sorry that there was not enough Hires content, try Tidal.
My little Chord Hugo dac produces sound that is about on par with my EMM XDS1 cdp. The Tidal streaming even sounds better than the Hires downloads I tried from Acoustic Sounds and Musicdirect. I'm not kidding. I hope people support this because I don't want it to go out of business. Please give it a try. I'm just a user and longtime audiophile with no other interest than keeping this remarkable service alive so I and others can use it.
Tidal tech question: The HiFi indicator is on the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Adjacent to it is a volume control slide. Will adjusting it to max volume offer better sound quality? With the slide at a lower volume is compression added?  
Jer, You above post indicates "The biggest deal breaker for you is buffering".  When I first started using Tidal Streaming, I also had buffering problems and it was driving me crazy.  I had no problems with other programs, or activities, using my Internet connection.   After days of research, I finally discovered that my router was not handling music streaming packages correctly under some conditions (creating random data drops).   Other people reported similar hardware data drops using the same router.   I replaced my router with the Apple AirPort Extreme Router and all my buffering problems went away.   I do not know if replacing your router will solve the problem but it might be worth doing to see what happens.   Your 200Mbps download 25Mbps upload speed are fine and should not be a problem.

Are you using an Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi for your Tidal Streaming.  Ethernet is the best connection since Wi-Fi could be a problem depending on how far away you are from your router.  If you are using Wi-Fi, an extender might be required to help boast the signal.  The Ethernet connection should be plugged directly into your router and NOT the switch box.

If you continue to have buffering problems, please send a request to Tidal and ask them for help.  They might have some thoughts to solve the buffering problems.  It could be a memory problems on your computer or something similar.   

Please send a request to Tidal to report their UI needs improvement.  You might also indicate where you are having problems.  I use Tidal on my Aurender and the user interface is fine.   I hope the above helps.  

These recordings were created from a compilation from Philip O’Hanlon's SACD collection that he played at 2016 T.H.E. Show.  These songs are terrific.  

The link to Tidal is below.  If you save it as a favorite (need Tidal subscription), it will remain in your playlist section in Tidal.   I keep all of Phillip’s playlists on Tidal.

See for a list of all of Philip's playlists that are available on Tidal.   Find the playlist you want, sign into Tidal and make the playlist your favorite.  The new playlist will be stored on your Tidal account for future use.

Someone help me. I have an old Mac Mini (2009, version 10.5.8). 
I have 3 problems:
1)  Tidal says lossless is only sent via the "hifi" setting, and Google chrome is needed for hifi. I can't get Google chrome on app store cuz 10.5.8 won't accept it. So should I download 10.6 (but doing so might result in a loss of items or music from my mini). Or should I take this opportunity to get a newer, faster mini with SS drive?

2) Can I control Tidal from my Android phone while my dac plays Tidal? Can I control volume from my phone too? If I have to get up and change music from the mouse and keyboard then forget Tidal.

3) My phone "pairs" with my computer but my computer (or airport express), can't pair with my phone. The computer sees the LG4 phone, but won't connect.

Alao, do i run a hard wire from my airport to my computer? 

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just pretty stuck here.

If you are having buffering issues, you don't have the throughput.  You say you have 'decent' speeds.  Decent is fine for spotify and MP3s but if you want to dance with Tidal, you need 'fast' not 'decent'.  Tidal is the real deal. All else pale. If you can't run Tidal, fix the shortcomings in your system so you can enjoy it.  .
I bought a brand new Mini and new ipad. I get "hifi" quality on Tidal when using the computer and monitor. However, I can't control Tidal with my ipad. When I choose tracks with the ipad the sound comes through the ipad's speakers only. 
My ipad surfs the internet just fine as it and my new Time Capsule "see" each other perfectly.  I just can't control Tidal with the Ipad and make the music come through the main system FROM THE IPAD.
What am I doing wrong?
@devilboy Ok perhaps some clarification, do you mean an Auralic Aries Mini? If so you need to download the  DS Lightning Server app from Auralic onto your ipad, and then you can control Tidal via that app. I hope that makes sense.
devilboy, it's because when you use tracks on the Ipad, you are using Tidal on Ipad.  See my other post, you can't do it this way (without a seperate app) with Tidal.
You need a 3rd party app, buddy.  I use iPeng for Tidal (I play it through my transporter).  

I'm streaming TIDAL on my PC using the Chrome interface to listen in HI-FI. My PC is then connected to my DAC using a high quality TOSLINK cable and a good sound-card on the PC.

The problem I am having is that whenever TIDAL posts an update, and I install it, I loose "HI-FI". I can still stream high quality or low quality, but not Hi-Fi. To get around this I have to uninstall Chrome and then reinstall it and then I get my Hi-Fi back. I have not yet found a way to "ignore" the update and for all but one update I have had to reinstall Chrome.

Anybody else having this problem? Is there maybe something in Chrome that is not set up correctly? Its not hard to uninstall and reinstall Chrome, but I don't understand why this is happening??

Thank you for your help!

One more question already asked on this post but no reply yet.

The volume control on the Chrome GUI in TIDAL, if you lower it, are you loosing "bits" or is it more like an analogue control and not loosing resolution? I would like to drop the volume on TIDAL to match my other components, but am afraid it would not be loss-less.

Thank you!
The volume control on the Chrome GUI in TIDAL, if you lower it, are you loosing "bits" or is it more like an analogue control and not loosing resolution?
It’s just a volume control. No other function. You're not losing anything but gain by lowering it.

Thank you mofimadness! Now I can match TIDAL volume with the rest of my system.

Anyone, my post about the Chrome problem when I update TIDAL? Anyone else having to reload Chrome after a TIDAL update?

Thank you!
How to remote control "TIDAL"?

As I understand it, TIDAL will only play back Hi-Fi using Google Chrome. Also, it is my understanding that TIDAL will only play on one device at a time if you have a single user account.

So to the point, is it possible to use an iPad or iPod to remote control my PC running Chrome? What options, if any, are available to control TIDAL from my listening position? My PC is directly connected to a gateway via Ethernet. The only thing I can think of is maybe screen mirroring?? I can not afford at this time to add any additional hardware to my audio system, such as a network streaming player.

Thank you for your help!
I had the same question and actually started a thread about this very question.
I'm being told I have to use Chrome Remote Desktop. I should be able to control my Mac mini from my ipad.
Didn't try it yet.
Count me in as another Tidal fan.  So much music - too little time!  I am a relative tyro with it but let me share how I enjoy it in 4 different settings:

In my main system, I run the latest version of Audirvana + on a Mac Mini which now supports Tidal.  An available A+ remote app allows control of Audirvana (and Tidal functions) remotely on iOS devices.  I probably listen to Tidal least in this system preferring to wallow in the glory of my musty vinyl collection here.

In our main living area, I use a Sonos Connect amp to drive Sonus Faber Guarneri speakers and a Rel sub. I access Tidal (and my digital music files on a NAS drive) with the Sonos app. I listen to Tidal most of the time here - the sound is unbelievably good.

In my office, I stream Tidal from their website on my Macbook via a Logitech bluetooth to RCA adaptor that feeds a 20 year old JVC mini-system.  Amazing sound.

Finally, I have a couple of Sonos Play 3 speakers.  We stream music from my library and Tidal through these out in the yard.  Absolutely knocks the socks off my aged contemporaries when they are over as I stream from the "Retro" genre on Tidal.  Sounds like crap but it's the music that matters.

Sonos and Tidal have changed the way I listen to a very positive way.
"An available A+ remote app allows control of Audirvana (and Tidal functions) remotely on iOS devices."

Wow. Gotta try that.
Roon also supports an iPad app/remote - essentially a beautiful remote front-end to Tidal (which Roon integrates with perfectly). The ipad remote really does take the experience to a new level and makes the music experience more immersive. Roon also allows me to integrate with HQPlayer so I’m upsampling all Tidal to DSD and outputting that to my Lampizator Big 7 DSD dac. The result is pretty glorious.

Just to note I think Audirvana can provide a similar integration vs. HQPlayer but Audirvana is iOS only I believe (the source of your music needs to be an Apple machine), whereas HQPlayer integrates in my Windows 10 machine (which is my source for Roon and Tidal, with USB to my Lampizator Dac). Note, the Roon iPad app needs to be a 64-bit one (the older 32 bit ones won’t work). HQPlayer’s interface is terrible, but once you’ve set some settings (like DSD and a filter of your choice) you then don’t have to touch HQPlayer again - Roon becomes the only interface you need to interact with, and Roon’s interface is surely the very best user experience in music available; it’s not perfect, but it’s close - especially so from an audiophile’s perspective as it provides a depth of control over the experience if you need such control but doesn’t interfere with your experience otherwise. It’s a thoughtful and will considered design with the audiophile in mind.

I really hope Apple doesn’t screw up Tidal, if they do complete the acquisition. Though I have many Apple products I have little confidence in their approach to music (Case in point - it’s amazing that upstarts like Tidal and Spotify were able to gain such a commanding share of what should have been a mature online music market, and one which Apple had all the opportunity to own but didn’t, because they didn’t figure it out. Am not sure now if they’ve figured it out...).