Apple Lossless Wirelessly

I've been experimenting with serving music stored on my iMac G4 in the study to iTunes running on a laptop (experimenting with a Dell, but eventually will get an iBook to handle this function) in the living room to an Airport Express that is cabled to my living room stereo system. I've been moving the music from iMac to laptop to Airport Express over my 802.11b wireless network.

So far, I've found that my 802.11b network can't adequately handle sending song files in Apple Lossless format from my iMac to iTunes on my laptop. There are breaks in the playback, especially when there is other traffic over the wireless connection. If the AL song files are on the laptop, there is no problem.

Since convenience is a big reason for this setup, I'd like to stick with a laptop as the control center and stay wireless if possible. I figure my two alternatives are: (1) upgrading my wireless network to 802.11g, and (2) buying Apple Remote Desktop so I can run iTunes on my iMac, where the song files are, while controlling it from the laptop.

Any comments on these options (and am I right about being able to use ARD this way)? Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by jayboard

Dimitri, when the AL song file is on the laptop with iTunes, there is no problem streaming the output wirelessly to AX, so the server-laptop connection is the problem. I have a feeling I may end up with a hard drive connected to my laptop, even though it's not ideal in terms of convenience in the living room situation.

Restock, thanks for mentioning Timbukto. It led me to try out open source (free) VCN remote control software. On Mac OSX, a remote client can't use the server independently from someone who might be sitting at the server trying to use the machine--the two would "fight," so I realized that was not going to work.

Maybe 802.11g is the answer. I'd have to include in the cost a new wireless adapter card for a third computer that doesn't need the speed boost, because apparently mixing old "b" devices with newer "g" devices drags the throughput of the whole network down toward "b" level.

It ain't simple. There's music in there, somewhere.
Have used with Mac and PC. You could try this roundabout way. Use Airport Admin Utility to do the setup, if Airport Express Assistant is not doing the job for you. Connect the Airport Express by ethernet cable to your DSL or cable modem or router (don't have to connect to stereo at this point). Configure the AE to be a base station, i.e., to "Create a wireless network," not "join existing network." After that, disconnect the AE, connect it with stereo, and go wireless. Start up Airport Admin Utility again. Your PC should recognize the AE; this time configure AE to "join an existing network".

Does this help?