AQ Storm Series vs the Rest

Hi All,

I just bought the AQ Niagara 1000 and it has been a revelation coming from my Furman 15 PFI. I have it connected to a Pangea AC9SE MkII cord to the wall. Having heard some reviews that the Storm series from AQ would be a good match, I am considering the Thunder (~$700 new). The Storm series is fairly new so not as many reviews yet but I also saw a great price on the Acoustic Zen Gargantua II (~$1,500 new) as well. Would the AC be better than the Thunder? The AC Gargantua II has a higher retail price but I'm trying to not be fooled by pricing alone. 

Showing 1 response by elizabeth

I own all Pangea power cords. If I were going with one of the two you wrote about. it would be the AQ Thunder.                         
If you want to spend $1500 buy the Hurricane.       
Do you really 'trust' a product named "GARGANTUA"???  LOL