Are the Klipschorns mainly for Classical music ??

I recently purchased a pair of Klipschorns. I also purchased a pair of Cornwalls. It seems that the Cornwalls are crisp and clean and a shade boxy while the Klipschorns are a very open sound. I have found the Klipschorns to be very good for classical music and some Satriani and Eric Johnson. I find that classic rock leaves alot to be desired because the recordings seem to be less than what I expected. I would like to hear comments from Klipschorn owners as well as Cornwall owners......thanks
Bob...thank you very much for your input. I welcome all suggestions. I feel as if I have entered a different world. I have to admit all this is very scary to me. I had no idea owning Klipschorns would be so complex. I am new to this world of audiophiles. Apparently I have been satisfied with mediocrity.
I go out and listen to 3-4 systems per month, and for the past several years, in fact. In people's homes, dealerships, audio shows, etc. Not with the intention of coming home a winner, but rather with the intention of finding our next speaker.

Boa2, I'm confused. You obviously love your speakers, yet you spend a good deal of time searching for your next speaker. Please explain.
Carver is not good with these speakers/honestly not many speakers from my experience with them, even the new sunfire stuff... Go mcintosh, way more money but just like replacing the whole system in this case. Then you will hear Rock and roll like you have not before.
Boa2, I'm confused. You obviously love your speakers, yet you spend a good deal of time searching for your next speaker. Please explain.
Sorry for the confusion, Ohhwy61. First, I like hearing different systems. Second, I do in fact love our speakers. Third, my hope is to be living in a larger space before too long, with enough room for two systems. We'll keep the K-horns with a pair of SET amps for active listening, and a SS amp/tube preamp set up for a hard-drive system that we can leave on all the time, and listen to all day. With such a system in mind, I've been out listening to many different speakers...not to replace the K-horns, but to broaden the spectrum, as it were.

Hope that clarifies things.
Boa2, thanks for the kind explanation. I know from other posts that you love your tweaked Klipschs, so I thought it was a little odd that you might be actively looking for a replacement. Best of luck with the quest for the new living quarters, but prepare to be surprised with what will actually works best in any new space. Fitting old systems into new spaces can be a humbling experience.