Are the Klipschorns mainly for Classical music ??

I recently purchased a pair of Klipschorns. I also purchased a pair of Cornwalls. It seems that the Cornwalls are crisp and clean and a shade boxy while the Klipschorns are a very open sound. I have found the Klipschorns to be very good for classical music and some Satriani and Eric Johnson. I find that classic rock leaves alot to be desired because the recordings seem to be less than what I expected. I would like to hear comments from Klipschorn owners as well as Cornwall owners......thanks

Showing 38 responses by allsmiles

Carver M1.5t and I have not modified the Klipschorns. I have been looking in to new crossovers and possibly new tweeter horns
I really don't think my amp is a problem. Classical music sounds great as well as some clean rock musicians. I am not an electrical engineer but I know what sounds good to my ears. I appreciate your recommendations. I have already emailed both of the people you talked about but have yet to make any decisions. I use 10 gauge speaker wire. How do I dampen the horns ?? I am sure I am not using the best cd player so I would be pleased with any suggestions you might have. I apprecaite any help you could give me.
I am willing to invest in a better cd player. Can you give me some good examples of what I should look for ?? Also thank you for the information on dampening. I am feeling much like a novice and the prices on tube preamps and preamps are much more than I expected. I would like some suggestions om preamps and amps.
I think it has as much to do with the cd engineering and recordings as much as the equipment you play it through. The Celtic Woman cd sounds fantastic. I still think many classic rock recordings were substandard ..... it just took the Klipschorns to bring it to my attention. Dark Side of the Moon sounds pretty good. Like before Satriani and Eric Johnson sound good on the Klipschorns. So far the Klipschorns have made me appreciate music I don't normaly listen to.
I am very happy with my Carver equipment. I may go and listen to some tube preamps and amps to see if they are worth the investment. I will have another pair of Klipschorns by the end of the month. I am learning alot from all the Forum members and I honestly do appreciate each and everyone's help. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.
My Klipschorns are also '78's from the original owner. The ones I am picking up later this month are '92's. I will be interested in seeing if there is a difference. I welcome any cd player suggestions as well as tube preamps and amps. Boa....listen to the Celtic Woman cd or any of their single cds by Chloe, Meav, Lisa, Orla and Mairead. Also Enya "Shepherd Moons" is a great cd. Celtic Music seems to do very well on my Klipschorns. Early Iron Butterfly was fair. The first Black Sabbath cd is pretty good. Bridge of Sighs was a let down and I love that cd. Eruption by Eddie Van Halen is great !!! I am still checking out old cds.
My Klipschorns are also '78's from the original owner. The ones I am picking up later this month are '92's. I will be interested in seeing if there is a difference. I welcome any cd player suggestions as well as tube preamps and amps. Boa....listen to the Celtic Woman cd or any of their single cds by Chloe, Meav, Lisa, Orla and Mairead. Also Enya "Shepherd Moons" is a great cd. Celtic Music seems to do very well on my Klipschorns. Early Iron Butterfly was fair. The first Black Sabbath cd is pretty good. Bridge of Sighs was a let down and I love that cd. Eruption by Eddie Van Halen is great !!! I am still checking out old cds.
I have 1 pair of Klipschorns, 1 pair of KLF 30's, 1 pair of Cornwall II's, 1 pair of Chorus, 1 pair of Forte II's, 4 pair of KG 5.5's and 1 pair of KG's of which I forget the model number. The Forte II's impressed me greatly and the Cornwall II's sound like bigger Forte II's. The Cornwall II's are very impressive. The Klipschorns are the ultimate for me. They have an openess I am not used to. Vman71..which crossovers did you choose..Bob...Dean...ALK ?? Have you upgraded your tweeters or dampened your Klipschorns ?? Any more help is greatly appreciated.
Yes....Boa2...I have checked out that site and I will give it a second look....thank you
I was downstairs this afternoon listening to some Vivaldi and noticed where Yngwie Malmsteen got some of his music. My heart is still with classic rock, hard rock, and metal but I have to admit Classical is great on the Klipschorns. I definitely MUST be getting older !!!!
I just finished listening to Bread was superb on the Klipschorns !!!
Bob...thank you very much for your input. I welcome all suggestions. I feel as if I have entered a different world. I have to admit all this is very scary to me. I had no idea owning Klipschorns would be so complex. I am new to this world of audiophiles. Apparently I have been satisfied with mediocrity.
Undertow....why do my speakers WITH the Carver M1.5t sound great with Dark Side of the Moon....Black Sabbath 1.......Eddie Van Halen "Eruption"......Joe Satriani......Eric Johnson.......I still think it is the cd engineering and recording that is a limiting factor NOT my Carver amp. If some cds sound great and others sounds pathetic, I am sure it has to be the cd that IS the problem...that is just common sense. If NO cds sounded good then I would believe you. I still think Carver rules !!!!
Okay Boa2 I respect your opinion. I will search for the answers through some new equipment and modifications to the Klipschorns. I think that if you are taking the time to try and help me the least I can do is give it a chance. Would you suggest a new cd player first or the Klipschorns modifications first ?? I will be getting my second pair of Klipschorns hopefully on the 25th and I will be interested in seeing if there is any difference in them with my current equipment. I don't really have many budget restraints except for my owm thriftiness which could be a problem. Boa2 I don't care much for Bon Jovi. I think Ritchie is a good guitar player but I think the band as a whole are a bunch of wimps. I prefer something like Warrior "Fighting for the Earth" or Savatage "Hall of the Mountain King". Hard rock and Metal are my favorites ever since Blue Cheer "Vincebus Eruptum" got into my soul.
Shiva......."stoner" days ??? I got a great laugh out of that. Did I know you in a former life ?? Good question....they sound fine on my other speakers. I think the Forte II's I have are great speakers. The Cornwall II's are also superb. So.....I guess the upgrades for the Klipschorns IS a must. I will be glad to get my second pair of Klipschorns later this month and I will see if there is any difference. Thank you for taking the time to offer advice. I apprecaite it very much. One of my favotite cds is the Yardbirds Live at the Anderson Theater '68 featuring Jimmy Page. Sounds more like Led Zeppelin than Yardbirds and Jimmy is wailing on the guitar. I only have about 800-900 cds and many of them are classic rock.
All comments good and bad are welcome. I appreciate all the lively discussion. I will take all comments into consideration.Thank you all for participating in this thread. All advice is greatly appreciated.
Going to pick up second set of Klipschorns tomorrow. Thank God they are only 2 1/2 hours away instead of 6 hours.
The newest pair of klipschorns are still in the Suburban but I did listen to them before purchasing and noticed a considerable better high end on rock music. The cdp preamp and amp were all high end I am sure. I am going to see what the Carver will do with it. This newest pair are '92's with AK-3 crossovers. I love the larger speaker cable connections. The '78's have such small connections....can I modify them to larger connectors ?? Saki..thank you for the cdp recommendations. FLAMES ????
I finally got the '92 Klipschorns in the house and there is a tremendous difference in the sound of the '78 Klipschorns. The '92's sound so much better. The highs are abundant and the sound is awesome compared to the '78's. I think it is time for new crossovers in the '78's. I know it is not the cd player or preamp and amp now that is the problem. It is definitely something with the speakers. I guess I should consider new tweeter horns too.
Thanks Greg....I have already talked with Dan Wescott and Al Crites and have info about Al Klapp.(sp). I will try and google it. Thank you for the suggestion. I have heard the A crossover is better than the original AA crossover which came in the 78's. I also heard the ALK is a good replacement. I am not as knowledgable as many people on this site and the Klipsch Forum. I am trying to make the best decision but I am still amazed how much better the 92's are. I don't even have them in the corners of the room yet and they are totally awesome. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
Boa2....the 92's sound so much better than the 78's. It is a world of difference. All my cds sound phenomenal now. I am one happy camper.....every day is like Christmas now !!!!I am really enjoying the 92's. I don't even have the 92's in the corners yet and they are awesome !!!! The 78's are in the corners of the room and I only have 1 full corner left in the room. I am listening to Robin Trower "Bridge of Sighs" right now and it is crisp clean and superb. I definitely got to do something to the 78's.
Warren....this is a pair of '78 Klipschorns.....the capacitors are 28 years old. I don't see any problem with new crossovers.
Warren....the 92's to my ears sound great "as-is" ...I am completely satisfied with them. I just want to get the highs back from my 78's. The 92's sound worlds better. I have no idea how a brand new pair sounds....never bothered to go listen to any since I live in a very rural area and would require a trip to a larger city. I have gotten info from Bob Crites, Dean Wescott and Al Klappenberger about new crossovers and haven't made a final decision on that. Any help or suggestions would be greatlt appreciated.
Greg....what driver updates would you suggest on the 78's. I am very appreciative to get any help on upgrades....thanks
Guess who hooked up the 78's wrong ??? Yes I did....I hooked the speaker wires in the wrong place. I got them in the correct place now and the highs are much better. Yes....I am feeling pretty stupid right now. Maybe I should ban myself from Audiogon for ignorance. I think I need to attend a class on Klipsch speakers and maybe a beginners course on electronics. It took a friend of mine to show me the error of my ways. My friend works on equipment all the time and I apparently know very little about my own equipment. Okay....who votes to ban Allsmiles from Audiogon. Please don't be too cruel !!!
I appreciate any suggestions. All information is greatly appreciated. I have 22 Klipsch speakers. I do love my Forte II's. The '92 Klipschorns are probably my best pair and the Cornwall II's aren't bad either. I have been in a Carver-Klipsch rut for many years now and I am willing to try some new gear. I love hard rock and metal....I was told I would grow out of never happened !!!! Screaming guitars is my kind of music but I do listen to some mellow stuff. Criss Oliva was one of my favorite guitarists before he got killed in a car accident. I still listen to Savatage "Hall of the Mountain King"....I love that cd. Earlier today I listened to Black Sabbath was better than I ever remembered. Dave Mustaine ain't bad either. There are too many great guitarists to count.
I have to admit....I DO NOT want a 50,000-100,000 dollar system. I can spend what I need to on components. I do have a hard time parting with 2000-3000 dollars for components but I may just have to bite the bullet. I am just an average guy who loves classic rock, hard rock, and metal. My '78 Klipschorns sounds sweet now. I don't know much about high end equipment apparently. I honestly thought I owned pretty good stuff. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I use some gold heavy duty connectors....I have no idea what brand they are. The speaker wire I use is probably a 10-12 gauge. My cd players are not high end. I mainly listen to my 2 pair of Klipschorns and 1 pair of Cornwall II's. I also listen often to 1 of my 4 pair of Klipsch KG 5.5's. I welcome all suggestions for upgrading any and all components. Right now I am listening to Uriah Heep "Look at Yourself" ....I never remembering it sounding this good. I always thought the K-horns were the ultimate but I am realizing that there is a new world out there. Like I said before I have no desire to own a 50,000-100,000 dollar system. Maybe one day I will think a little differently. Thank you for your info on amps.
I have never listened to any Belles or Lascalas. I have been thinking about picking some up in the future. I definitely want to have some of both.
So far I love the K-horns. I also think the Cornwall II's and the Forte II's are great speakers for their size. They seem to do very well with classic rock, hard rock, and metal. And believe it or not they also do very well with Celtic music......"Celtic Woman" is a phenomenal cd and dvd. Chloe who is the youngest of the Celtic Woman singers is such a pleasure with such an angelic voice. Meav. Lisa.and Orla are great too !!!
I have been in the hospital getting my appendix out so I have just gotten back online. I feel kind of weak so I may take a few days to get my strength back before getting back here. I do appreciate all comments and upgrade suggestions.
Yes.....I still love them but I am still considering a crossover upgrade and possibly other upgrades for the '78 pair. The '92 pair sound great and I think they will be okay for a while. I am trying to get a pair of Heresy II's and a pair of Chorus II's. I just love Klipsch speakers.
Just upgraded speaker wires to 10 gauge Python with gold connectors. What a difference !!! I can't believe it could make such a difference. I am so pleased.
Have 4 klipschorns in 4 corners of living is much better with Khorn sound !!!! My 65" Toshiba DLP 1080P is great with the Khorns !!!
Wish I had a larger picture....I may have to go for a projector and a larhe screen.....any ideas ??