Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.

Showing 26 responses by kublakhan

Whoops. you're more right than i originally thought, detlof. i thought the last post in that thread (other than mine) was back in march.

nobody post here.

stay away. go to 'reviewing the reviewers' thread

get out.
guys? detlof's starting to freak me out too. anyone live in or near 'the old continent' willing to go check on him?...with the authorities present, of course (safety first).
Gregm now you're trying to butter *ME* up by mentioning tom waits!? how low will you sink to get your hands on poor detlof's system?
oh, i don't know. why do i do anything? it's late. i'm tired. i'm lonely ...i want a new amp?

i guess i wanted to talk about the man and not his opinions on reviewers - that was starting to wear me out. it's also an old thread and because of the title hard to find for someone searching for info on salvatore.

oh, but detlof, you're right. i'm redundant. again. again, i'm redundant, once again.
jayboard glad you're irrelevant too. detlof, i certainly didn't give you any negatives. in fact, i got -2/-2 myself. i dont know who gave them to us or why but jayboard's got a good eye for this kinda stuff and am glad he bet on me :)
Detlof; you ke*p sayi*g sh*t on this site a*d i'm g*ing to get you booted *ff. i mean, if one of my p*sts gets erased on t*e basis of 'vu*ag*ity' for sa*ing AS*HOLE how come you g*t to say sh*t? i dont fu*kin get it. N*w I'm al* para*noid about the w*rds I pick.
thunders, i sent him a little note saying that i loved his site so much that if he were a woman i'd want to start talking him. he wrote back saying if i looked like ashley judd or jennifer lopez he'd WANT me to start stalking him. the guy has taste.
'therefrom?' thunders, your law education is showing. and detlof, good GOD man, you are nothing if not good fodder for all the right-wingers who have declared an all-out war on drugs. I believe, as obviously you believe, that ecstasy (or apparently SOME drug) is a valid form of psychotherapy. Perhaps not when self-administered (as we’ve just witnessed in your post) but then there’s the expression, doctor heal thy self that can be thrown into the argument and then we’re back to square one.

And as for you CFB, you never cease to amaze me. I actually have read ‘the origins of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind’ by julian jaynes. In fact, it freaked me out very early on and I had to put it down for about a year or two. If I remember he began to talk about the concept we have as ‘I’ and ‘me’ as only a metaphor and he scared the holy crap of me when 'I' suddenly ‘got it.' It seems pertinent here in some way because I’ve only begun to realize the metaphor of these threads and how the ‘i’ and ‘me’ issue jaynes touched upon am we?
well, nilthepill has either popped one or blown a tube, detlof is off in never-never land, dekay is lying in a pool of his own urine, pills scattered about the room the record going around and around, thunders i hear is in jail, and everyone else doesn't seem to care. i give up. i knew it was only a matter of time but i didn't know everyone would lose it at once.
thunders i *MUST* ask you to be more careful about keeping the pills out of detlof's reach. this is getting ridiculous and tiresome.
gregm, if you think all of us can't see through your threadbare attempt at buttering thunders up to find out the address of dear detlof you're sadly mistaken. sure, i BET you just want to go over and see if he's OK. maybe you should bring a dolly? this is an outrage!
cornfed, you know...that image really didn't occur to me. thank you for permanently burning it into my brain.

and i think you're right. salvatore was a hit man in last tango. i think.
katharina, just before i signed on here i noticed a little blurb about that on my msn homepage. where is detlof now? did someone post his bail? i told you guys something like this was going to happen but does anyone listen? NOoooo. kubla, you're crazy, kubla you're paranoid. NOW look! worse than i imagined for sure.

katharina, any updates you have are greatly appreciated. thanks for keeping us in the loop.
well, our worst fears have been verified; detlof's as mad as a hatter. we can only hope now that he is caught unharmed and given the proper medical attention he deserves. i'm so upset i can barely type.

maybe one of us SHOULD drop by his house and perhaps store his rig *temporarily* until he gets well again? i could go over. thunders... if possible...could you privately email me detlof's address??