Audio Aero Prima - not responding

My audio aero prima is not responding to discs
just 4 dashed lines in the display
sounds like maybe the laser gave up the ghost

audio aero doesn't seem to answer emails
is there a reputable US repair shop I can contact

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
If it ended up costing $800, I'd dump this POS in the river, out of principle...See, this player itself-when used-is worth around $1K, or so
this player itself-when used-is worth around $1K, or so
Alextychkin (Threads | Answers)

Before making an anchor out of the unit you might want to blow a little compressed air into the open draw, laser might just be dirty..
The older Prima's used the Philips Short Loader mechanism.
Due to a lot of issues, Philips promptly discontinued this drive and left a number of manufacturers out in the cold.
It is possible to get laser replacements, but the problem is typically in the servo board mounted under the drive.
I have 2 prima's and a Synthesis player that are scrap due to not being able to get servo boards.
Contact Globe Audio for the latest updates as to repairing these units.
If it ended up costing $800, I'd dump this POS in the river, out of principle...

Actually, I would take it to the local shooting range and put some holes in it and then mail it back to to Audio Aero. $800 for that repair is absurd.