Audio Aero Prima - not responding

My audio aero prima is not responding to discs
just 4 dashed lines in the display
sounds like maybe the laser gave up the ghost

audio aero doesn't seem to answer emails
is there a reputable US repair shop I can contact

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
spoke with Greg today (thursday)
ship to him - if the transport/laser is bad could be $800 ouch
if the transport/laser is bad could be $800 ouch
Audiotomb (System | Threads | Answers)
That's ridiculous.

I recently had the laser assembly replaced in my Denon 3910. The part cost $150. Figure an hour of labor.

If your Prima uses the Philips CDM12 transport, they are being sold new-in-the-box on Ebay for $39.

If your Prima uses the Sony transport, it shouldn't cost any more than the $150 laser assembly installed in my Denon.

$800 seems out of line for this repair.
If it ended up costing $800, I'd dump this POS in the river, out of principle...See, this player itself-when used-is worth around $1K, or so
this player itself-when used-is worth around $1K, or so
Alextychkin (Threads | Answers)

Before making an anchor out of the unit you might want to blow a little compressed air into the open draw, laser might just be dirty..