Audio Physic Virgo 5s

Anyone have any feedback on the latest Virgos from Audio Physic. I am looking to demo a pair in NYC. I had a pair of Avantis, years ago, and loved them. I have a smaller room now and I think the Virgos might be a good match.
I would be running them with a BAT integrated. I listen mainly to Jazz, acoustic and vocals. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by hulskof

It's not exactly square and none of the other speakers I had in my room (and I've had quite a bit) had this problem. According to my dealer it's indeed a problem of AP. He always has a lot of problems making these speakers sound their best at shows too.
I had them in my room (18 x 18 feet, with lots of open space to other rooms) and found them quite booming. The bass on lean albums was ok (since there was hardly any bass audible), but on a decent bass-prominent album, it was always booming and bloated. The same (of worse even) with the Scorpio I auditioned. The mid band of the Virgo I found to be too emphasized as well. Apart from that it's a very nice speaker, but it just didn't go well in my room.