Audio Physics ...Bright or forward?

I have been auditioning some Audio Physics speakers and they do things I have never heard other speakers do, even more expensive ones. Their bass is very tight and defined and the musical trimbe is excellent. But I think they are forward, not bright but have a lot of presents. I am afraid they will be fatiguing over time. I have home auditioned them twice. I need to make a decision, either I buy these from the local dealer buy something else site unheard some where else. I am basically looking for someone to confirm or denigh my thoughts on Audio Physics.

Showing 1 response by perkadin

There is no rule that says you are obligated to buy since he worked hard on the sale. If you had them in your home twice and still aren't sure they are right for you, they probably aren't. Doesn't your dealer carry other brands? Try something w/ a soft dome, they tend to be smoother and less fatiguing.