Audio Research DAC7


Anybody that has hear the new Audio Research DAC7?

I was thinking about replace my Musical Fidelity KW DAC.

I want the USB option, and use an ARC CD3MKII as transport.
I wonder if the performance is equal to ARC CD7.


Hello it says "USB: Spec 1.0 to 2.0 16 BIT 32kHz to 48kHz, MAC or PC. " it should be 2.0 then

I own one, I like it alot. I use FOOBAR200 on laptop thru USB.

I am looking for a CD3 as transport.


January 2009 Hi-Fi News (British mag) has a very positive review of the DAC 7.
How do you connect the DAC 7 to you computer or IPOD (do you need the Wadia adapter for that?)

Hello Dbarger,

You say you replaced the 11s1 with Cambridge 840C? Is the 840C more musical than 11s1, which was a darling of Audio Asylum? I heard 11s1 too, excellent, only $3500 at the time (2005). The 11s1 had a fullness that was grounbreaking in my opinion. The 840C must be something special. Thanks for the info!

I have a Dac7. I bought it 3 weeks ago after comparing it to my Cambridge 840C CD player. The Cambridge replaced a Marantz 11S1. I borrowed a Dac7 from a dealer over a couple of weekends, returning it on Mondays. I was pretty certain it would not best my Cambridge, which shoots above its price quite a bit. But the increased resolution, musicality, "flow", ease of hearing the musical "nuances", was much greater for the Dac7. I still think the Cambridge is a great player, but the Dac7 is better. I was using both (aside from CD's) with my Squeezebox Duet also, on both Rhapsody and my PC hard drive based recordings. The Cambridge has 2 digital inputs, so I could compare them. Both were played into a Ref3, Ref110. After a couple of weekends however, I simply could not listen to the Cambridge without the Dac7 attached to it. It is one of those things where the Cambridge was excellent, and loved, until I lived a bit with the Dac7. Then I had to have it. It does require significant break-in, and warm up.
I just listened to the DAC7 yesterday.

I think it is a great Dac. very analogue and lots of fun. Great musicallity and awesome rythmn and pace!!

I listen to vinyl and the ARC dac7 impressed me quite a bit!!
I am interested too .. I own a ARC CD3 MK2 and wonder if the DAC is an upgrade to the CD3.

It's seem no one is interested with this dac or those peaple don't write impressions anywhere. 8-(
sorry I have neither a response, but I am interessed too ;-)

today an article in the Audio germany

seems to be very good, but the cinch was defect !!

revival of the D/A Wandler?
because it allows to use a CD transport and a streaming electronic?