Audiolab 8000A and 8000S

I currently own an Audiolab 8000S used as an integrated amp. I have just acquired a secondhand Audiolab 8000A . I would like to set these up in a pre/power configuration , but not sure which amp to use for which purpose. Can the 8000A be set up as a power amp?
The 8000S has a number of modes but Im not sure if any make it usable as a power amp .
I am a little out of my depth here so any assistance would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by hdm

From looking at my 8000A manual, I read it that you are going to have to do the internal modification whether you are going to use it as a preamp or power amp. You cannot simply hook up the A and use it as a preamp (if I am interpreting the manual correctly).

That being said, if your speakers have dual binding posts, I would strongly recommend a biamp configuration as I think you would derive the most benefit and best sound quality that way. I would definitely go for it, probably using the 8000S as the preamp unless you have an analogue source and want to use the MC/MM in the 8000A.
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